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Steve-L last won the day on November 12 2020

Steve-L had the most liked content!


21 Excellent

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  • Gender
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  • My Project Cars
    1938 Dodge RD-10
    1952 Dodge B-3-B - 108

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  • Biography
    Been there done that
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  • Location
    Seattle area
  • Interests
    Keeping the fleet on the road

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  1. Here’s some pictures of my 38 Dodge completed project.
  2. Here’s mine
  3. Love the motorized cowl vent. Excellent find.
  4. That’s great news, I was hoping your project would continue. Nice 4 link work.
  5. Nice progress, great pics.
  6. Ahhh… that explains the radio silence on this thread. Sorry to hear about the troubles with your project. If it were me, I’d collect the parts from the shop then determine what still needs to be completed. Formulate a plan and move forward. the only time it is to late is when we’re looking up at the daisies.
  7. Nice mounting, that bracket makes a great heat sink
  8. For those that want to try a little more advanced ckt calc’s. To use, decide what you want to solve for, inner circle. Then pick the pie wedge in that quadrant that you have all the values for. Plug the values in, do the math and bob’s your uncle. always wanted to say that. ?
  9. maybe the answer isn’t a rear ended/trans swap. Check out the thread on adding an overdrive. Laycock J-type Overdrive
  10. The stuff you learn watching/reading others progress on their projects. So I thought I’d look at the dash in my 52 B3B to see if it was the same. i.e. black in color. Forgetting that my 52 is/was black, but as you can see. These days it has very little black on the outside. i just realized that the panel you’re talking about is to the left of the steering column, where my truck has nothing. I haven’t looked to closely but maybe my heater controls are in the panel just below the speaker.
  11. You might look at DCM classics. I got my replacement tailgate there. My only association with DCM is with my credit card on several occasions. ? I’m totally satisfied with their products. https://dcmclassics.com/body-parts/484-bp-214-dodge-script-tailgate.html?search_query=Tailgate+&results=19#/year-1936_1938/style-standard_sm_bracket
  12. A couple of thoughts, maybe something as simple as a dzus fastener would do the trick. Or possibly a Triumph Spitfire hood latch, but they are much larger. Don’t know what would be needed to make either of them work. I'm absolutely enjoying your progress and the pic’s.
  13. Very cool. How are you preventing the back lower corner of the wheel arch that mates up next to the cab from vibrating or flaring out?
  14. It’s interesting the bits of info you can get from a pic that was taken for another reason entirely. Glad it helped.
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