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About epix1718

  • Birthday 09/20/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    SW Michigan
  • My Project Cars
    '42 Plymouth Coupe
    '92 GMC Typhoon
    '11 Ural Gear Up Sidecar


  • Location
    Sturgis, MI - '42 Plymouth Coupe
  • Interests
    Cars, Bikes, Bulldogs

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  1. Quick update, did some tuneup tasks (plugs, wires, ignition stuff), new oil, new coolant, some new hoses, new 6V battery. Sprayed in some starter fluid into the untouched carb (which I soaked bolts in penetrating fluid so I may remove it tomorrow). Neighbor is an old timer so he came over and helped me figure out the starter pedal.. which I had to press on REALLY hard for it to trigger so need to service that too. Hearing it run was exciting though, last time I new it ran was 2003. I siphoned out the old fuel and it was very orange so not sure if rust or varnish (probably both).. either going to drop the tank and rinse it out best I can and use in-line filters, or purchase a repro tank and put that in.
  2. that there is just WOW!!! what a transformation, amazing work sir!
  3. Can't view it.. maybe b/c of privacy settings.
  4. Thanks for the compliments. Sorry I haven't seen that part but try asking jcmiller, I think he may have been selling that piece.. I check eBay very often so if I spot anything I'll send you a message.
  5. Motorcycles are probably my 2nd favorite hobby after cars.. Especially weeklong or longer trips on them. Recently rode a lil 250cc from Phoenix to Michigan, and have take my Ural sidecar with my dog out to Colorado, and around Lake Superior camping most nights. Non-vehicle related hobbies I enjoy messing with computers, lately especially building Plex servers (basically a personal Netflix), my server has 100TB+ of hard drive space running on Unraid OS and has been streaming to myself and friends for 2+ years now with a 99.9% uptime.. not shabby for a homebuilt unit that only draws about 70w of power the majority of the time.
  6. No big updates.. Here is a photo of the front drum after the rust reformer on it. I did not use electrolysis on these as there were bearings.. instead just lots of elbow grease to remove the majority of the surface rust, degreased the outside then I put on 2 coats of Rust-Oleum Rust Reformer (great stuff btw). This is before adding black spray paint. Got the wheels/tires on (well 3, misplaced the rear axle nut... it's around the garage somewhere) Helped clean up and sell my step-fathers 87 Silverado, had it out a day and was sold quick! Also been working on rebuilding an engine for a '01 Mustang that is being turbocharged. Picked up a 25' roll of 3/16" NiCu brakeline, fittings, cutting tool, flaring tool, etc and possibly tomorrow going to put on new brake lines.
  7. In my performance cars/motorcycles I use those LiFoPO4 batteries.. not only are the extremely lightweight, they hold a charge like nonother.. quite expensive tho! A downside is they lose much of their cranking power in cold weather.
  8. I use this battery tender/charger, works well for both 6v or 12v. https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-BM3B-Automatic-Maintainer/dp/B0051D3MP6
  9. Bought the Kanter kit to completely replace my brake system.. new wheel cylinders, master cylinder, etc... While at it going to replace the brake lines and they appear to be 1/4" originally and know that 3/16" is the modern standard. Thinking about picking up this kit on Amazon that is 25' of NiCu 3/16" with all all the normal SAE fittings. Would this work? (I've never replaced brake lines before so it's a learning opportunity) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01801G45A/
  10. I'll scrummage around my trunk this week/weekend and if it's still in there we can compare.
  11. Good info, I'll check them out! Just researched it, and is a nice alternative especially here in the rust belt states. Nice article on the advantages/disadvantages of Nickel-Copper alloy lines here: https://oppositelock.kinja.com/the-truth-about-copper-brake-lines-1818499200
  12. Had some friends able to make it over this evening, was able to work on the drum brakes front/rear. Still need to put in the brake lines and replace the master cylinder. Looking at the drums they don't need to be turned as the scratches look pretty minor. Full driveway: New components installed The date is when I bought them (Dec 2015) Before AND after of rear drums after electrolysis, rust reformer coating, and finally a rust inhibitive paint. Going to buy some 1/4" brake line this week and run new lines, along with cleaning up the front drums and backing plates.
  13. 5 hours in the solution: Cleaned off the anode, and letting it soak some more until tomorrow afternoon.
  14. Not a whole lot done today, called local O'Reilly Auto Store and asked if they turned drums, they said they do if I make an appointment as they only have one fellow that knows how to do the job. Going to be doing that soon depending on if I need it or not, the drums are quite rusty. I'm a chemist by trade and have been wanting to try out rust removal via electrolysis for a while so this was a good opportunity to try it out. Rigged up a makeshift operation from household items like kitty litter bucket, old motorcycle battery, random steel threaded rod, and old motorcycle battery connected to a battery charger/jumper cables and going to let it soak overnight. Some before pictures of a rear drum: Electrolysis setup One hour update being submerged and active Bonus picture of all 3 Bulldogs on the motorcycle from a fundraiser we went to last night. On Monday a friend offered to help me out with the brakes, so HOPEFULLY we can get started on those.. I'll need to make sure his choice of beer is available
  15. Another small update. Put the new radiator hose/heatercore hoses on last night along with some new clamps. Called tire shop this morning and was told the white walls were ready so went and picked those up, came out really nice. Going to paint the wheels carefully once I decide on a color for the car. I went with the Coker Classic 6.00-16 Bias Ply, white wall radials for the 16" wheel seem hard to come by plus the cost is pretty crazy. Got these tires for about $125/each, the local tire shop mounted/balanced/new tubes for $135 out the door, so in all about $635 total. I won't be driving the car a lot, maybe few hundred miles per year so they should be fine for my needs. It's pretty cold today so just going to spend it inside organizing some parts.
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