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NickPickToo last won the day on May 30 2021

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1 Follower

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Howell MI
  • Interests
    Computers, Band, Running and now Cars
  • My Project Cars
    1947 Plymouth deluxe 2 door sedan

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  • Biography
    Built my first computer in 5th grade and now building my first car
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  • Location
    Howell MI
  • Interests
    Building and programming computers, band, running, and now building my first car

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  1. Been absent for a while. College going, Well. Had a design issue with the dual carb intake manifold. The arms on the rod that run the length of the manifold wouldn't stay in place. Seems like a big job to place pins through the rod and arms. Then if we ever change carbs with slightly different offsets we'd have to do it all over. So my crew (dad) bypassed the rod and arms all together. This setup looks sus, but it's pretty stiff and works well. Trick is to get the linkage length to that the swivel on top of the engine is at the top of its path. Then when you step on the peddle it pulls more or less straight back on both carbs. Now just need to get a heat source to the auto choke. It works fine this time of year without a direct source. It gets hot enough under the hood so that it opens up quick enough. Just wondering how it would work in the winter. Also have a new issue -- throttle now so stable that the brittle pedal gave out
  2. I have a fuel leak coming from the shaft that holds the throttle plate in the carburetor It doesn't leak while operating, only after I turn the engine off. I've played around with the float and that made it better, but didn't make it stop. I have not messed around with the lower mix adjustment yet. Wanted to see what the forum had to say first. Is there an easy fix? As a side, I'm also getting a blue residue in the fuel in that carburetor bowl too? Presently using leaded fuel for the breakin
  3. My mind went blank for most of that. Couldn't tell he was talking about trim when he asked about chrome. Couldn't even recall the hp or that the engine wasn't actually original. But it was a cool experience.
  4. Making the rounds to say thank you. Mr. Mike owns the hardware shop in Howell MI. He's got just about every type of fastener or pipe union you can imagine. If he doesn't have it he can find it. Mr. Adams and his son rebuilt the inside of my engine.
  5. Completed some much needed touch up paint today. These are the last pics without the belt trim. Thanks to Mr. J (Young Ed), the source for the horn and horn relay mounts.
  6. It's a short story, but I'll spare you the gory details.
  7. 215/70R16 = 27.9" f(60 MPH, 27.9", 3.9:1RGR, 1:1 TCR) = 2820 'ish f(55 MPH) = 2583 'ish Does that make sense?
  8. Big hit yesterday at my friends graduation party
  9. 215/70R/16. Also converted to disk brakes up front. How do you work out RPMs without a tach?
  10. Still working on making it look better, but out for a drive today. First stop O'Reilly's to say thanks to the team for helping us find a lot of the odds and ends. Fasted speed on the main road the speedometer read 55, but the gps tracker on my phone clocked me at 60. That was just comfortably going with the flow of traffic. Engine running at high rpms at that speed so pretty sure that top end for me anyway.
  11. Today we go to the SOS office to get registered and tagged ?. That's not easy lately as you have to go on line every day at 8:00 am and 12:00 noon to try and grab the next appointment that was released (else you can wait till mid august). Usually the site is down from too much traffic and by the time we get on the appointments are gone. Not this time!
  12. never mind. Found the sending unit thread on the forum. Now just need to find an adaptor that the fat end of the unit will fit through
  13. Connected the oil pressure gage today. Reading a steady 40. Having trouble figuring out how to get the temp sending unit end of the of the temp gage connected to the engine. I know where it goes, but it does not look like it fits directly into the engine. Is there a housing for the sending unit? Could someone share a picture of how this should look once connected?
  14. We sourced our wiring from YnZ, including the turn signal, alternator and everything we needed for the 12 volt conversion. It looked really scary when I unpacked the whole thing, but instructions were clear and everything made sense when I started putting it in. We called them before ordering and then as we had questions along the way. They were very responsive. The carry a lot wiring related accessories as well. https://www.ynzyesterdaysparts.com/
  15. Update on this. The carb heat shield seemed to work well. I could really feel the temp drop above the shield with and without. However, we started to have excelerator related issues related to getting the linkage set up right. It was getting stuck in exceleration. Great if I'm drag racing but a bit unnerving when your going down the road. I think I have it fixed now. The heat shield was a real pain when it came time to mess with the linkage. Running without the shield for now until I'm sure the excelerator is really stable. Plan to modify the heat shield so I can reach the adjustment points I was having trouble with.
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