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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Looks good Kevin... this should freshen it up how much did you take off the head? That should wake up the little 218.. BTW do not see water dist tube, you have it right?
  2. Indiana, $hit should be able to ice fish in a tshirt. do you really get much winter?
  3. Hey all, weather has turned a little better the past day or so, go close to 20 f today, went ice fishing with my son. Catching nice Pikes....
  4. A picture is worth a thousand words, don't chase your tail over gas mileage
  5. Interesting thread, not sure if its a "trans" thread a Hi Perf thread or a maximum fuel economy thread, but it is sure all over the map with some right off topic vehicles included. Interesting exchange of information, some ground in facts, some pure conjecture and some wishful thinking. But it's almost as entertaining as a "best oil" thread.....
  6. Well you just might, with a stock engine knuck. But a 230 high compression head, hi-perf cam, racing pistons, might be another movie. i thought my 228 would be bogged, with dual truck carbs the biggest available in Carter B&B, no issues whatsoever. The fuel from 2 or 3 carbs on this engine design just flows and delivers way more efficiently. Otherwise they would or could just make single intakes for small 4bbl carbs, not efficient at all with this design. Knuck as you already know, think huge vacuum pump, the more pressure the more intake and exhaust....
  7. I had a swb 1982 Dodge van, 225 slant 6, 25 mpg easy on highway all day long. With a wind on my tail upwards to 30 mpg. Buy Dodge......LOL
  8. Jeff, thats great, and you should be happy if you get 20 MPG with your big truck, my little truck probably does better, its lighter probably by a 1000 lb darn near, and the dual carbs and intake have made a difference. But to attain 25-30 mpg, bit lofty, but hey hook up an analyzer and see what more you can get. I wish you the best of luck. I would venture to guess you could increase your power and fuel efficiency with a bigger 265 engine and tri carb set-up, more power and better fuel economy. Thats my lazy thought on this...
  9. Not to discount the OPs idea or interest, gotta agree, nobody is driving a Chrysler flathead thinking big fuel economy. There are vintage Vespas and Norco Bicycles for that...
  10. In closer to town, and in and around Winnipeg is salty for sure. You guys have warmer weather if that sounds possible, we are like Grand Forks ND temp wise. The nice thing about ND is I have heard they do not use salt only sand thrown on the roads....
  11. Yes , Ford F150s or whatever other manufacturers that are off topic vehicles mentioned. BTW, who the H ever got into this game for major fuel economy anyway, with overdrives transmissions and a well tuned engine, they are respectable, but fine tuning for 30 MPG give me a break. Some of the trucks are rolling 1950s fridges aerodynamically, as a tombstone. Hey yall remember the 100 MPG carb, that all the Oil companies and the CIA suppressed.....LOL Seriously if you can get near 23-25 mpg that would be excellent. Yes Barb, some folks like to talk a lot a whole lot.....dble LOL
  12. Oh I se, well we have "public" insurance here since about 1970. MPI Autopac, insurance and registration all in one
  13. My collector insurance allows for year round if you want, it was so cold just before Christmas, saw a number of collector vehicles out driving. At sub zero temps things get super dry, and if roadways are clear, yu can get away with a little driving without damage. My route is on my road and a bit of the highway, only when dry and cold, no issues. Its temps like 20f or so and higher the salt, slushy and filthy stuff starts, Today cleared some snow, it is totally powdery dry, very clean, and lighter. I know that Bob, he is just fired about about the BBQ party...
  14. Glad your out and having fun with the truck Paul. However I do not consider your weather "winter" more like spring or fall type weather.....LOL Why are you yelling?
  15. My Condolences, to Shirley and her family. What a great long life her mother had. Even though they sometimes have a great long life, it is still too soon. I know this as we lost our Father on December 26, 2016 at 84 years old, and it still seams surreal.
  16. US gallon or Imperial gallon based on your high 20s which is good. I think getting 24 or so is achievable
  17. Thanks Rob, yes the 238 industrial and trucks a lot even in Canada, just a slightly bigger piston. Cars never had them, and maybe light duty truks either. By 1955 you either got a 228/238 or 250 in the trucks, and the big trucks had 265s. At any rate, I have a nice 265 waiting in the wings for the go fast parts and eventual install...all the best
  18. Sorry Man, sworn to secrecy on this....LOL Get a life brother, I was only joking. I wish the OP all the best of luck in his endeavors.
  19. 228 or a 238 long block Canadian built engine ( don't have bore verified to determine if its a 3 3/8 or 3 7/16 bore), 1988 Mopar 8 1/4 with 3.23 rear end. I have p 235 75 15 tires. I also have a 6 blade fan. T98 acme 4 spd trans synchro 2nd to 4th. I am turning about 2500 rpm at 60 mph....
  20. Good Luck on 30 mph,it can be done. I do know you can get more if you want, but can not reveal the secrets of this on the forum. Most are content with 16 to 20 mpg, so no point in divulging the technological secrets for a lot more horsepower and fuel economy. I will be waiting to see the results of the experiments you will be conducting, please post your hypothesis, data and results as you attain them...Good Luck щасливого Різдва
  21. very little to no salt where I drove today. It was cold enough it would have very little effect. Snow does nothing, it's salt, that creates a problem. I have driven this truck many times in winter with no ill effects, but never drive on slushy salty snowy roadways, you gotta be smart about it. Having a car or truck parked all winter is okay, but driving them at times is fun, where's the fun in something sitting in storage, but I realize in most cases its a wiser thing to do.
  22. You know, but mine is a Fargo Frost Dodger.....LOL
  23. Okay you guys, how many took there trucks for a drive today,
  24. Very kool knuck! The Ford stuff, better chance on the HAMB possibly?
  25. Recycled mahogany from T&C side panels cut to size......LOL Sorry to the OP, as my pal Dodgeb4ya has sidetracked this slightly.....LOL
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