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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi Frankie, I realize the rounding off numbers. My question wasn't why, but when and at what voltage reading after a charging does my battery start to become increasingly defective? It seems to be , that most of the battery problems on this forum or any old car keepers, is this; inactive cars, short term use accelerates the batteries aging process. The old adage "use it, or lose it", applies, the battery tender is kind of like a life support system, keeps it going a long time..........Fred
  2. Norm and others, my battery is 3 yo, no battery tender, but car gets fair amount of use in season, and off season, it is probably started too often, but love to hear this engine purr. The other day I did a battery reading, about 6.3 volts, started the engine let her run till warm about 20 minutes, then shut off. Battery reading was 7.0 volts, a few hours later, the reading was 6.4 volts, the next day it was still 6.4 volts. Is this battery going south on me? Should I charge it with my 6 volt 6 amp charger say once per month or biweekly?..................thanx Fred
  3. Ed, it is a fish that inhabits the waters of the Arctic in Canada, and maybe Alaska. It is much like trout/salmon, a true expensive delicacy, fantastic smoked too.
  4. A northern boy in his shop in the dead of winter, no tan this time of year. My geeky glasses are my favorite shop glasses. My boy is out in there lending a helping hand too.
  5. Ed, at -11 In Minneapolis this morning you might think about feeding Don , some Arctic Char, get the smoked stuff it is fantastic. It was colder this morning for you guys than us, it was -10 here .........Fred
  6. Robert, you must think like me, I am very partial to blue. I wish I could get away with this color on my Coupe, but it's a little to wavy for it I am afraid. Actually Tremclad dark bule is a real nice blue I have used on my dash and interior trim pieces...............Fred
  7. However your right sinse that hawk came into my life I have been neglegent even the wife is jealous:rolleyes: If she had white walls and a V8 she could get ridden as well..... Rodney, now don't you dare let the Mrs read this post, yall will need more than battery or battery charger after the frying pan comes down on the head, you will need the Big Super Booster to jump start you.........Fred
  8. I must be your twin in that case..............LOL
  9. My before pic, and my car about 2 weeks ago, slowly the bodywork is coming together, hope to finish all body wrok in spring to be followed by paint.
  10. Stev, always thought the paint job you did came out Awesome, I like the color too, not sure I could do it that dark on my car, might really show my talent on body work. Steve you got any before pics........................fred
  11. Hi Ward, what do you find wierd about BC/CC, not that I disagree, is it to wetlook shiny. My 47 Chrysler Royal Coupe is the one in grey primer on this thread, it was extemely rough when I started her, probably should have not been undertaken, at least not by a novice like me. I am slowly finishing all the body work, but it is not easy. I am thinking of going with either colors like, dove gray, catalina tan, or a light baby blue. I need to go light colors with a wavy beast like mine, as she will not be getting a 15k pro body/paint job. Nice to see you on this forum, I remember you from PWHM...........Fred
  12. Blondes, Redheads, or Brunettes...........YeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaa
  13. That's Volcanic ash from a primer gun
  14. The one blessing out of such high tax rates in this country. There are better systems than Canadas in the world , but ours is pretty decent. I would hate to be worrying in the USA, if I could not afford decent Med coverage for myself or family. What happens you guys, if someone has a massive heart attack, and has no insurance, will some hospitlas still take you in and administer medical intervention.
  15. Ed, when you see the tranquil yellow, inperson, it is a real nice light yellow, I have evn considered it for my car. I am either going with light grey, recreational white (almond like), or maybe tranquil yellow. I like the reds, and dark blues, but my car is too wavy for those dark colors. This is a bit of a loaded question Ed? , what Tremclad color do you think would suit my car, the interior trim/dash is dark blue, cloth will be grey so I have some options.
  16. Here is my dash painted with Tremclad dark blue, the glass needs to be replaced on my sppedo, I have the glass, need to get this done too.
  17. I certainly can't tell from the pics either
  18. Ed the Rustoleum industrial may have a real light yellow, check there website, also look at Tremclads Tranquil Yellow, if you like that color, I could always ship you a gallon.............Fred
  19. Absolutely nothing, it is great Paint IMHO. I just always seem to get reprimanded when I dare to suggest guys paint there rides with Rustoleum (Tremclad in Canada). I really think I may be painting my 47 Chrysler coupe with Tremclad mixed with automotive acrylic enamel reducer, and DOI wet look hardener. I have sprayed this mix already on inner fenders, test pieces, etc, with great success. My car is rough to begin with, never be anything more than a nice driver, so it may get the Rustoleum paint job, this spring. Here are 2 pics of my car, this car was stripped, metal work done, some of the filler, it was then sprayed with rusty metal primer cut with medium speed enamel reducer, laugh if you want, but it's great base primer, next is filler work, primer surfacer, blocking,paint. The trunk is done in 2 k urethane high build primer, right over the rusty metal primer, with no isssues.........Fred
  20. You could go with as mentioned either Acrylic Enamel by PPG, or there Urethane, or there BC/CC. A lot of guys are partial to Dupont Centauri, Acrylic Enamel with hardner. I am sure these paints could have a flaeetening agent included to reduce the sheen...........Fred ps how about Rustoleum Enamel Hunter Green, just kidding
  21. Rodney she is up this point now, I could easily have here finished, but it's all about cash or lack of it in my case. I really shouldn't even be in this game, at this point in my life, no money to move this project ahead. I am able to get the odd thing done, but these are only little micro steps.......................Fred
  22. Rodney I thought I had a rough start on my car, and heck mine aint' finished yet , and you did the Stude while I am still puttin away on this one, not enough scratch to finish yet. If anyone can revive this one you can, you da man.........Fred
  23. That's Whiskey for the Men, and Beer for the Horses........yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaa
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