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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Way to go Eddie...........or should I say Mr President
  2. The needle bouncing is usually indicative of the speedo itself, mine would bounce and be a little noiosy, try lubing the point of entry of the cable to speed,pull the wick and lube, let sit over night and try again.......
  3. Steve, try the least intrusive 1st, the cable is lubed, pull the wick out of the speedo, get some lube in there, try that out. If all fails pull speedo, clean and lube..........Fred
  4. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=2692&highlight=rocker+repair Have a look at this thread where Jeff does a major Rocker/outer floor support repair. Not sure how bad your's is, maybe not as bad as Jeff's.........
  5. Do a search, Jeff, I think had a lot of detailed pics of this repair procedure, which is very common on these cars that lived in the snowbelt.........Fred ps take some pics and post them
  6. Hi Tim, the AIC, is there dirt cheap economical line, so not sure how it will perform. The higher end Scherwin Williams line would no doubt be a good topcoat. the mixing rate formula with this AIC line is 8-2-1, HVLP spraygun 1 medium wet coat, 2nd coat medium cross pattern.............Fred
  7. Ed, I did a google search for Western Automotive paint, everytime I tried to log onto a site, it would pop up a message of this will be harmful to your computer, not sure why, did not pursue it.........Fred
  8. Nothing wrong with that Ed, how is the shine, up close in real life. The AIC line mayb e a replacement for the Western line, not sure. Apparently they can tint the AIC to any color, as well they have premade colors too. The thing is it's a real Acrylic enamel paint, should stand up possibly better than Rustoleum Cocktail mix, at least for sun fading. I also am looking atNason lines, they also have an economical enamel that is even priced less than the acrylic enamel, it can be tintied to any color too. PS that clor looks like Tremclad Royal Blue, a color I really like, my only problem with Tremclad is mixing and getting it right, as the manufacturer does not advocate playing around with mixing in reducers and hardeners..........Fred
  9. Hi all, has anyone tried or familiar with Scherwin Williams AIC acrylic enamel paint. I stumbled across it at a local body shop supply house. It is very inexpensive, the paint $65 per gal, reducer $29 per gallon, hardener $35 per quart, total price $129.00 canadian or $105 US.No doubt it is probably sold for evn less in the US, auto paints are expensive in Canada. This is very economically priced auto paint, they can mix any clor apparently. Nason is $125 per gallon Canadian here for white, and the reducer hardener is extra. I like this price, and the salesman said it sprays out nice and looks great for the price. I know it's not BC/CC but it may be a good product to try on the 47..............Fred
  10. Tod, is this a new company starting to produce parts for vintage Mopars. Although it is off-shore products, at least we know companies are out there starting to repro parts for our cars..........Fred
  11. Thanx Steve, once everything is prepped, I will paint the car, might do sections, ie doors off, hood trunk lid off. I will add wet look hardener to the paint, will color sand polish after it's all good and cured, being enamel, might be a while. But the paint and supplies will be dirt cheap. I would buy the paint that you used, but they don't shipp to Canada, auto paint is expensive here.........
  12. No I haven't, I have a Princess Auto Devibliss knock off spray gun, it's an HVLP gravity feed gun. I have a half-way decent Craftsman Compressor that drives it no problem........
  13. A test with Tremclad (rustoleum), just 2 thin coats on an area with no prep done. I will working this fender soon, so no harm in trying a paint test. In the picture it is bright but not shiny, in person it is very shiny can see my ugly mug , just like a mirror. I like the color, my dash and interiro trim is done with this paint. I know it will nevr be as good as Steve's, but once I paint car with it, let cure good, and wetsand and polish, it should llok great. the paint will be rediuced with enamel reducer and DOI Wetlook Hardener...........Fred ps it's been a long winter I am getting bored
  14. Isn't there a town of Hell in Michigan somehwere, been to Christmas Michigan, been through there a few times, very cool little town..........Fred
  15. Randy, in the paraire region of Canada we all have block heaters, whether they be block type, in-line or magnetic. You would not be able to start some vehicles otherwise. My daily drivers could start at -30, if I wanted them too, but never allow this as the engine wear is horrifc at this temp. Parts of Canada, southern Ontario, coastal BC (Vancouver), normally don't require block heaters, as winters are usually quite mild. My 47 gets warm inside, the heater core was nice and clean, but I am runnning a 160 t/stat. My car also has no headliner, no insulation, no door panels, would this cause it to be colder in side, as well as hotter inside in summer. I am sure once alll the interior is done, and insulated, it will be warmer in there for sure. I also have a 2nd heater box, not usre if I will go to the duals, as this car really is for warmer weather driving...........Fred
  16. Darren ,you would surely perish in winter in Winnipeg or Fargo ND or the Twin Cities. Winnipeg this morning-13 f, Fargo -15 f, Minneapolis around 0. Ben Affleck and Renee Zellweggar, filmed a movie in Winnipeg last winter, they loved it here, the atmosphere, the people, both thought our cold was beyond anything human. So Darren feel fortunate you only experience some 30s once in a while..........Fred
  17. Greg, I have steamed up a few windows in myday, even with modern vehicles, had nothing to do with recirculation settings though. Thats why my pay cheque till this day is never what I actually earn, and not completely mine
  18. As we say in "corrections", do you feel like "slashing up", I know a little harsh. Police, Prison Guard humour is sometimes not understood by the civilian population. Robert I am like you, had enough of winter, it's about time Canada buys/lease some southern soil, for us Frostbacks to bask in some warm air. DSo yah think Arnie would lease Harper, some ocean fron property in the Mojave desert..........Fred
  19. Cars would have foggy windows here till the early 70s, in my expereince, they still frosted up, until the advent of rear window defrosters, vents to blow wram air on the side windows, the abiltiy to draw fresh air. I am only 47 , and had cars in my youth requiring frost shields, a rag was used if it was warm enough, not that often here in the dead of winter, then you use the window scraper, that was meant for the outside...........Fred
  20. Greg, a 160 t/stat can begin to open partially before 160, and should. It should begin to open as low as 153 to 157. then be fully open at around 180. This is according to most service manuals. I also have a 1/8 hole drilled thorugh my t/stat housing allowing some flow right off the bat. A 180 t/stat may saty closed longer, and allow the engien to heat-up more, but your right at this extreme temp it may stay the same when idling. Last year I drove my car one day at about -4f, it was showing about 16 on the gauge on the highway, going 55 mph. Then I had the idea like your Dads carpet, I uised to do this with cardboard, with only a hole cut out for some circulation. I did this and the engine temp rose to about 195, this was on a 0 degree day. My rad is clean, but it's an old honeycomb, maybe not so efficient anymore. Can hardly wait till warm weather, then I can post all of my running hot temps, which last year, weren't too bad, hit 200 once on the highway going with the wind, on an 85 degree day.........Fred
  21. Norm, my car in spring and fall mornings with temps at around 30, is fairly warm too. I bet these old cars were not so warm in the old days when it was 0 or below, but I think the dual Mopar heated cars, may have been toasty even at 0, very strong heaters, my fan on mine blows like crazy..........Fred
  22. Hi all, it is freekin cold here near Winnipeg Manitoba, about -8 to -10 range as I write this. I had to do some cleaning inside the garage, heater was set on low so only about 35 in there. If I have work to do, I turn on both heaters, and even at this low outside temp I can get it up to 65 in the shop, heavily insulated. Anyways, I start the 47, put here and my other drivers outside, took me about 20 minues to sweep the floors, and to clean a few things up, on the bench. My engine temp was showing about 155, I have a 160 t/stat, heater blowing warm air, but not hot. I am sure a 180 stat would make a difference. My car has no interior panels or headliner, no insulation, so it is even colder. Iam sure it would be warmer with insulation and material in the car. I am only running 1 heater, now I know it will not get as warm as a modern car, but I am sure it isn't too bad either. So any of you guys ever run the cars at cold temps, whats the heat inside like, not that I would want to drive my car at temps below 30, and with no snow on the ground . In this part of Canada, years ago we would install frost shields in the back window, and the sdie windows too. These are not necessary in vehilce for the last several years, even at -25, my windows in my modern drivers are clear beacus of the well designed vents,heaters......................Fred
  23. I am very partial to the hottest peppers available. Last summer I grew about 10 hungarian hot pepper plants, man are they sizzilin, my mother pickled them fro me, she added a few carrots in each jar, they get nice and hot too........Fred ps I am a Coca Cola addict, I am trying to curb this all the time, down to about 2 cans per day
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