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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. My Dad had a 59 Ford , he sold it to my Uncle in around 1967 with well over a 100000 miles on it, it had a slight knock already. He told my Uncle you will need another engine right away, he didn't pull the engine, seized up right on a main drag in the city where I come from. Sorry to hear for your engine problems, hopefully ytou can get out to the shop today and have a look......Fred
  2. By all means, certainly can come in handy while you own this car, and of course you can always help out your fellow Old Mopar friends on here, who don't have a copy.....Fred
  3. Hi Dennis, been using this oil for a while on my engine too, used Rotella T 15 W 40 before that.....
  4. Hi Robert, thats where I bought the Castrol, I just about bought Canadian Tire diesel 15 W 40, but went with Castrol, power went out in the store, so needed to get out of there...
  5. Thanx Guys for your help, probably gonna go Greg's route with this......
  6. Went to buy oil today, looked at Chevrons Diesel 15 W40, and Rotella T 15 W 40, both are now for the newer emissions, so decided against them. I drove around to a few stores, finally bought Castrol GTX 20 W 50 again, hoping this oil is of the right quality for my old flat tappet engine. Anyone else using Castrol 20 W 50 in there flatties.....Fred
  7. Bill, full flow filtration, meaning all oil goes through the filter, there is a by-pass valve if the filter gets plugged. Partial flow, like what you have, and a majority of the 218s and 230s, the 251 and the later engines had the full flow filtration. The partial flow is just that, about 25 % of the oil gets filtered, the rest gets pumped right through. I have a 251 in the wings here wating for a rebuild someday, it has full-flow filtration, whichof course is the best...
  8. Hi all, has anyuone besides Greg used and is currently using bubble duct insulation, and self adhesive rubber membrane sheets on their cars. I am planning to use this stuff. Greg, this stuff looks good on your Stude Truck, I am planning to use this on my roof, and floors too. I am just trying to see if anyone else has tried or is using these home building products onm there cars.............Fred
  9. 55 Fargo


    Old Woolie, no one is on here as a regular by mistake, just take what you enjoy and can use and leave the rest. This is a great forum, but you know what is better than any of the cars, flatties, paint jobs, tires or whatever else someone has done to, or has on there car. It is this my Friend, it's the fantastic group of people that make up this forum. You being a Canuck, and me being a Canuck, makes me disappointed you are exiting, sure you'll be missed, but you will Miss this forum big time, once you see how a lot of other old car forums operate. And you know what this place is friendly,lively, infomative and good natured. I have found a lot of the other forums, Boring, uninviting, and just not like theis Old Mopar family is right here. Hope you joy us again sometime................Fred
  10. Witha 160 t/stat you will probabl;y run at 165 to 180 on warm days driving under load. Once you turn of the engine, your engine temp will rise, as you saw on your gauge. Yes you may have had a vapor lock, or your float is a bit too high or something. When this happens, hold gas pedal to floor, crank engine, it should fire. If after the engine is now cooled down , and still won't start, you may have to prime the carb with gas. Have you got it started yet? Make sure you have decent battery cables, good grounds, and a known reliable ignition coil.....
  11. Rock Auto, NAPA, Roberts Motor Parts, Kanters, for the brake hose. On thewring, if you are sticking with 6 volt, use the correct gauge wiring for 6 volts, make sure you have good solid grounds, and use 2/0 battery cables....Fred Rock Auto has them raybestos Pro Grade, $14.39 link http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/x,carcode,1435493,parttype,1792
  12. You could always go to a 3.73 rearend, but then you compromise on going up hills, but your highway cruisng at 60 mph will have lower rpm. You could also try the tallest tires possible, this would help lower the rpm, and give you a little more crusing speed. Since you have a fluid drive and 3 spd trans already, not sure, but could a 3spd R10 OD trans from a fluid drive be installed, that coupled with the 4.11 would give you the best all around performance in hill country. Hopefully someone with expereince on this will chime in. Yoou could conatct George Asche, to see if the OD trans can be used with your current fluid drive, bell housing and shifter linkage........Fred
  13. I can relate, today I was stopped and asked all about my car, what year etc. I usually enjoy this, but someitimes it can be a pain, if I am ina hurry to get somewhere, but I always answer the ???s
  14. Failure to Upshift: (a) Electrtical Governor permanently grounded relay inoperative blown relay fuse kickdown switch permanently grounded wiring circuit grounded ( Hydraulic Hydraulic insufficient oil in trans (10 w engine oil 3 pints cap. oil pump producing less than 40 lbs pressure resticted or bound pilot valve or main valve relief valve stuck in open position © Mechanical bind existing between 3rd gear hub and direct speed sleeve bind existing between free wheeling controlsleeve and counter shaftgear assembly bind between direct speed shift rail and guide engine idling too fast( should be at about 450 rpm)- delayiong synchronization and shift This as per my 1941 to 1948 Chrsyler service manual. Hope some of this helps. You should post this on Yahoos PWHM 1946 to 1948 Chryslers, and the AACA Chrysler section, lots of knowledge and good help there.........Fred
  15. I am lucky to Ed, all small country highways from my place to work, about 25 miles. My Wife has to go into the city, even though Winnipeg is a 1/3 of the size of the Twin Cites, traffic can be a bear.....Fred
  16. Like the car, looks good and straight as the others have mentioned, welcome....
  17. Today I removed the front bottom seat , then stuffed some of the coil springs with foam, and did some reinforcing from the under side. The seat is now super firm, I was sinking before, what difference fro driving....Fred ps If i can get someone to sew up the covers, or make my covers, I will install them probably get decent results too. My seat had a pleat about every 8 inchs, and very fancy blue material, not sure if it was mohair, or juts a good quality velevt cloth of some sort. Or I can order some pre-made seat coverings, and headliner, as well as wind lace from say Kanter's a little pricey from this guys though........
  18. Sorry to hear of the passing of this Fine Gentleman, it was your fortunate experience to have known him........Fred
  19. Hi Ed, trust me this city(Toronto), gets hectic on the freeways. The greater Tornto area has a pop of 5.5 million people, and they all got get somehwere quick. There are at least 4 major freeways running into this city, and converging at some point, the infamous 401, the 400, the Donvalley Parkway, and the QEW that goes to Niagra Falls. I ahve been stuck on freeway a few times there, traffic somtimes stops dead, good time to bring a book. Having said this, any US big City is the same, glad I live in a small city (area), Winnipeg area approx 800000 souls.......
  20. Apparently Listerine is a great Mosquito repellant, cures the garlic smell too:D The mosquitos are so big, bad aand plentiful around here, the tropics have nothing on us. West Nile Virus happens every year, how these little buggers live through a -30 winter is beyond me. Seriously, in the countryside around Winnipeg, it's so bad you cannot sit outside without repellant, or spraying your yard or some device, Gazebos are the best answer. In the Cty like Winnipeg, Selkirk etc, they spray and do larvaciding, cept in the Yuppie areas, where the green people don't want malathion being sprayed, and every body gets revved up over it.........Fred
  21. Update: greased front end agan, this time king pins took the grease, and so did the upper control arm bushings. The car steers better, handles nicer, and is taking the rough road easier, I also inflated tires to 30 psi. Thanx all for the help and laughs....LOL
  22. Way to go Jim, you'll barreling down the 401 in Tronna doing 70 mph in no time....Fred Pic of Hwy 401 Freeway in Toronto, Ontario, case anybody doesn't think we have traffic problems north of the border in Canada
  23. Bill my other vehicles 2007 Torrent AWD is nice a nd smooth, so is my 2005 Dodge Caravan, the 1994 Ranger is a bit rougher, but the 47 was going over the same surfaces much harder. Guys, I reduced the inflation of my tires to 28 psi, much softer ride, still somewhat noisy,as there is no headliner, door panels, insulation uner carpet, so it's will sound more like a drum, for now........Thanx Fred
  24. Here is a a couple of pics of my interior right now, still need to have seats professionally covered. I plan to make door panels, kick panels, package tray in the winter, will order a ready made headliner and windlace.
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