Old Woolie, no one is on here as a regular by mistake, just take what you enjoy and can use and leave the rest.
This is a great forum, but you know what is better than any of the cars, flatties, paint jobs, tires or whatever else someone has done to, or has on there car.
It is this my Friend, it's the fantastic group of people that make up this forum.
You being a Canuck, and me being a Canuck, makes me disappointed you are exiting, sure you'll be missed, but you will Miss this forum big time, once you see how a lot of other old car forums operate. And you know what this place is friendly,lively, infomative and good natured. I have found a lot of the other forums, Boring, uninviting, and just not like theis Old Mopar family is right here.
Hope you joy us again sometime................Fred