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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Oh Yes, that is a cool old boat.........
  2. Hi all, Robert is on vacation in hawaii, not sure if he is logging on to check things out or not. But I hope the trip is going well, and your not too sunburnt, catch any of the Waves on the board yet...........Fred
  3. Very cool Truck, nothing like the rain in the Pacific North West, not sure if that is better than cold and sunshine in winter or not. Lots of folks in Vancouver BC, complain about the long winter with cloudy drizzly days. Wouldn't mind some of that about now.......Fred Here is a pic of my road to the highway, can bea pain at times for dust, but otherwise not too rough
  4. Thanx Bob, after this task is done, I have the oil pan gasket, pinion seal and diff gasket, steering box oil leakes, adjust brakes again, and the list of little things go on and on..........Fred
  5. You can also go with little circuit boards, for each tail light, this will allow all to function correctly and without added sockets. An Old mopar guy up here makes these things, there quite small and easy to install according to him. I may install these myself this summer.............fred
  6. I am lucky in a way up here, traffic generally flows at 65 to 70 mph on the multi-lane highways. The bulk of the traffic is in the capital region Winnipeg POP 800000, but I am sure we drive 10 to 15 mph slower than in other places like Calgary,Toronto, LA, Minneapolis. The traffic volume here is nothing compared to the mentioned cities, some higways get real busy on weekends in summer, especially ones from the beaches or the US border. Around here it is flat, and traffic not too crazy, can evn get away fine with stock brakes. I don't drive that much at night, wildlife around my place can be a problem, but the truth is, I do not se well in the dark, other headlights give me an awful glare, the price of aging............Fred
  7. Hi, how about some pics orf your car, nice to see the Girl were talkin about..........Fred
  8. If I can make this work, and I am confident my car can handle the trip, hope to be their. Ed, does it rain much there at the end of June, I know up here it's hit and miss for June rains.........
  9. Hey Jon, are you on the right thread with this?
  10. Hi Wayne and Ed, if things go well, will be down for the show. I still have to deal with an engine oil leak, check front end, grease everything check everything out as usual in spring, then hopefully will drive on down, about 480 miles for me , would do it in 2 drives, giving her a 250 mile a day ride.....Fred
  11. There is also a number on your A post tag, serial number, this number will confirm approx manufacture date, and what plant. There is a number on the frame too, not sure if that is the serial number too, or engine number. That might help determine the origin of the engine, if it is infact the OEM engine....
  12. Very strongly considering, trying to talk a friend with his 61 Apache, and 400 4 spd to join me ......Fred
  13. Hmmm, maybe I could drive down for the "Back to 50s Show"........
  14. I am not sure my old engine, even though it has good oil pressure and compression, could handle a sustained 65 mph all day. I am runninga 3.73 rearend, which helps a lot.....Fred
  15. Hi, I can see you and the Cap's points, out here on multi-lane highways it is easier for a car to just pass you, except when they are very crowded, then a bunch still have to slow down behind you before passing. A lot of modern motorists have very little respsect for old cars, but a lot still do. Did any of you see the latest Hemmings Classic Car, articles on unrestored originals. One story was on a 48 Chrys Biz Coupe, this guy finds this unmolested car with 16 k for miles, then gets it going, he drives the car from LA to San Fran on New Years eve, looks up the elderly first owner, and gets a tour of the city, before the clock strikes 12. Afterwards he drives the car to Tahoe snow and all, then back to LA, no doubt he hit some major traffic along the way, now that is a brave soul.........
  16. Hey all, just watching Dangerous Drives, California and Nevada Highway Patroling I -15 between Las Vegas and Victorville Ca. I have driven this highway before, forgot how hectic it can be for traffic, don't think I would want to drive my old baot on there for 1 mile when traffic is heavy........Fred
  17. Hey this looks good,this should be a 218, long block, 98 hp stock. Has anything been done to this engine for more power, or was it rebuilt stock. These engines according to a lot of the Guys in the know, state this, most of the problems are exhaust, so going split exhaust with duals should be a plus. I know Lou Earle states going with a 2 bbl Holley Webber carb, and split exhaust may give you the best bang for your buck...........Fred
  18. When do you think, you will take delivery of the Desoto?
  19. Just crawled under my 47, which has a 1951 trans, nothing on this trans for back-up lght switch either......
  20. I reckoned you were, just going along with it..LOL
  21. Anybody havea pic of the tranny showing where the switch goes, I don't recall seeing this on my 3spd trans.......Fred
  22. well you know the type of Candy I mean. I guess working in the Criminal Justice system a long time has me tainted.
  23. Hey Pat, I think your right, Ed Pauch has this set-up with 12 volt negative. But first of all we need this Guy to verify he has this transmission to begin with.........Fred
  24. The snow I have here is the frozen water type, not the life ruining chemical, that unfortunately is in our society
  25. Easssyyyyy Tom
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