Hiall, had some time to stop and see an old car friend to see how his projects are coming along.
Here are pics of his 1956 Chev, ( he painted this car 15 years ago), his 1956 Caddy (Texas car), this car has a brand new leather interior, he is just going thropugh everything, beofre he gets her on the road, a beauttiful car. The whitewall tires are being given to me, as He is getting new ones.
The 1936International truck, which my 9 YO Son wants in the worse way, and My frined says he will save it for him, if we want, or it may get sold.
The 1949 Chevy, is in decent shape, but is dusty, and has not been driven ina few years, but needs to be cleaned up and driven, itr was a parts car he did not want to waste, so it got a paint job, with left over paint.
It was a good visit, this Guy is another good old car guy....