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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi all, there was the the seat frame, and possibly the back was stock, but not the bottom, there ws no material left, and the metal all rusty. I want to utilize the seat frame, any idea ,what I might be able to use for a replacement seat from some modern type vehicle. I am not too worried about being stock, as my truck is so beat, that a lot of custom things will be done. Any suggestions welcomed, I was thinking about a Dodge Caravan bench seat, but am not sure it is wide enough.....thanx Fred
  2. Does anyone know if an electrical temp and fuel gauge that were OEM 6 volt, will function on 12 volts, or would voltage resistant be required. My 55 Dodge was 6 volts, my 56 fargo is 12 volts, I now have the body on the 56, it will be 12 volts, starter, genny, regulator, but am wondering, what to do with the gauges. I am not sure what difference Mopar, may have employed for the temp and fuel gauges. My heater box has no electric motor, so will retrofit some 12 volt blower for that. Just trying to sort this out ahead of time, for the time being, will use my aftermarket mechanical temp gauge....thanx Fred
  3. Although it does not look like it, a lot of progress on this project has been made already. Cab was swapped onto 55 fargo chassis, most engine components are back on, engine is not quite ready to start yet. Brakes are bled and working, with no signs of leaking. Gas tank and lines are clean,. drain plug was undone on gas tank, no crud came out, just dust. Rad was fairly clean, flushed her out good, no crud came out, a little bit of rusty water, it drained super fast, it is back in truck all new hoses, water pump, new t/stat. Carb is all cleaned out, need a kit, fuel pump all cleaned, need to plumb line from fuel pump to carb, and to add a filter before fuel pump. Ignition is all back together, not sure my coil is any good yet. Starter motor waiting on brushes, and might have located a 12 volt autolite gen, I have the regulator. Havin fun with this old truck, next year front clip comeback off, to start the clean up and body work. A few pics of me having fun
  4. Nope, he had a 64 Chevy Panel ,which I drove many times years back, and a 50s Stude truck. I have seen my old Chum in many years. He played wide recceiver for the UCLA Bruins back in the 60s.....
  5. Thanx Don....
  6. Thanx Don, those are the beasts, will call the outfit you mention, and see if they will mail them up.....
  7. Thanx, havetried Rock Auto, but could not find them on theri website. BTW, I se your in Yucaipa, have an old Friend lives on Juniper Street, you know where that is...
  8. Engine looks like hell, have to pull oil canister, and oil filler pipe/filter, and clean in solvent, this is where I am at right now, using mostly used odds and ends. Like I have said, once I establish this is a good running engine, then I will clean it, remove front clip, and clean the firewall and front suspesnsio to, then all wil be painted and detailed, and the new parts can be added
  9. Thats what I am looking for, but am still wiring with heavier gause wire, as I have a stock of it. My truck will be 12 volt, I already have the 12 volt starter, and coil ballast, the Fargo was made into to 12 volt somewhere along the line, or it isa 56, and I was told it was a 55......
  10. Thanx Chris will try this, I really cleaned up the mating surfaces, they look like new almost....
  11. Tom, it ain't for a 48 Chrysler, it is for a 56 Dodge /Fargo truck, it is a 12 volt... But will try your suggestion....thanx Fred
  12. Anybody know where I can order Autolite 12 volt start brushes, mine are the bolt on type, my starter, is in great shape, and was gone through, but need brushes.....thanx Fred
  13. Hi all, okay slowly piecing the 251 55 Fargo engine back together, and I have some gasket questions. Fuel Pump to block gasket, what sealant is best used with this gasket, I genrally have all types, but what is best? Waterpump and T/stat housing, I intend to run engine, and drain and flush cooling systema few times using water and electrosol, can I not use a sealant on the gaskts, as I want to remove the water pump and t/stat, after flushing and running engine a few times, or will it leak like a sieve? What type of grease is used in the waterpump grease zerk? I still have to finish the fuel line plumbing, and hook up a temporary oil gauge and emp gauge, I have both type aftermarket I can use for this purpose. Once I can establish this engine is a good runner, then it can be all purdyed up cleaned and painted.... Things to be completed before I can start engine, starter brushes, install alternator, install carb kit, and thats about it, a few piddly things... PS I have horsed around with this little flattie for 3 days now....
  14. Hi all, does anyone have a schematic for a 55 or 56 Dodge/Fargo Truck, please post if you can....thanx Fred
  15. Hey you don't have to be so complimentary......
  16. Thanx Yukon Jack, that is what I figure too, if the internal by-pass is sealed off, and the external is open, has to work. Gonna investigate the 318 housing, they should still sell those new at NAPA....
  17. Great pics, enjoy them always....the other Fred
  18. A Buddy of mine made this up from used headers, just a test fit, the engine is from a combine I sold him a year or 2 back. Looks like it would sound and run pretty good once all set-up......
  19. Okay, I have in the 55 Dodge a 251 engine with internal water pump bypass type block. I do not have another internal by-pass, type t/stat housing or internal bypass water pump. So I have installed an external by-pass water pump, and the external t/stat housing with short hose between the water pump and t/stat housing. This will allow the water to circulate, as the older flatheads do, but the backing plate, is covering the internal by pass hole on the block. Ideally I would have the internal by-pass water pump, and regular t/stat housing with no short hose connected to the water pump. I do not have any, is my thinking and assumption correct, will my water now circulate as an external water pump by-pass. Any suggestions.....thanx Fred
  20. Hi all, went to the local bolt and bearing house, and got some supplies today. I bought the correct studs for the starter motor, course/fine, used grade 5 bolts to just enough to enter block threads but not to sit in the water jackets. I have mocked all this stuff up, still need to get gaskets tomorrow, and hose. I need to put a kit in the carb, it is all cleaned, and ready, but needs a kit, the starter, needs brushed, but is like new. The water pump, t/stat housing is all used stuff I have colleceted, I am using an external water pump and t/stat housing on an internal by-pass engine, but am using the correct t/stat and short hose between t/stat housing and water pump to alllow the water to flow for the heater hoses. Fuel pump and dizzy like new, all new innards on dizzy. I have the ballast for 12 volt use, need a coil and plug wires. I am looking for a 12 volt genny, or will mock up a mount for a GM single wire alt. The rad needs cleaning and testing, it was closed, and full of antifreeze, so no mice in there.I am not going to pop freeze plus just yet, the water tube slid out, and was super clean. I also need to hook up a temp gauge, have that, and an oil pressure gauge too. Got battery cables, need some fuel lines and fittings, and could fire, or try to fire this old girl up. Here are some pics, please excuse the greasy dirty mess, once all is runing, will clean paint and detail, but I want to verify compression and oil pressure first. This engine was run and driven in a truck unitl 2006....
  21. Hey all, I am in need of a 12 volt gen or GM single wire alt. I have a 12 volt starter, a 12 volt regulator, the ballastvoltage dropper for the coil, but no genny or alt. I am wondering what course of action might be best, find a genny, or go with a GM alternator, either way, I need 12 volts. I am not so sure my Fargo set-up was a 1955, it could very well have been 1956.....
  22. Thanx Randy,most likely something like that will be done. I am bolting all of these times back onto the engine tomorrow, if I had a few more itmes I need, I could fire the engine up.
  23. Hi all, need some info, I need to bolt up some items to my 251 Fargo engine, and they were not removed by me, so am not sure of some of the lengths, maybe some of you Guys might. waterpump, has 5/16 thread, what length(s) starter motor on truck 3/8 thread what length(s) fuel pump bolts, what size and length? If anyone happens to know, could you let me know.....thanx Fred
  24. Hi all, I know this is not the truck side, but I have spent so much time over the years on this side, I feel I need to post this here too. Today swapped cabs from 55 1 ton frame to 55 1/2 ton chassis, all went well, myself and 1 Buddy did the lifting, while my Son Jordan watched over. I had 1 big surprise, the trans had filled with water, this was fairly new, as next to no rust developed, some flushed out trans, and filled with gear oil for now, not sure how it will be, but will find out, when the time comes, good thing I needed to pull stick shift cover, or would never have known, and winter is coming. Lots of work ahead, my Fargo engine is all greasy, but is supposed to run very well, and was used on a regular basis until 6 years ago. Here are a few pics of todays fun and games, I think my truck has potential...BTW, not sure if it will be a Fargo. or Dodge at this point
  25. Okay, so 1 Buddy, and I swapped the cab from the 1 ton, to the 1/2 ton frame, while my 9 YO Son Supervised, it went real smooth. Next spring will start the work on it, but plan to get running first and do a compression test, and see what I have for an engine. Here are some pics...
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