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Bryan last won the day on July 23 2022

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416 Excellent

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chesterfield, SC
  • Interests
    Genealogy & old cars..
  • My Project Cars
    1948 Dodge Deluxe sedan & 1958 Dodge Coronet


  • Location
    Chesterfield Co, SC
  • Interests
    Genealogy, old cars..

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  1. Still trying to fix up the house my siblings and I inherited. I'm the Lone Ranger of having to do everything. Took care of my stepmother when she was alive. Now it's trying to fix up and sell the house. Got ticked enough to start charging siblings $18 for scraping and painting work. They have children (30-45 yr olds) that won't help. One of these years I'll get back to my 1948 Dodge, my spring, the rear deck on MY place, etc. Bryan
  2. Still alive and kicking. Got sidetracked when we finally received ownership of my step-mother's place after she died late 2021. Between 3 other siblings only my brother and I are able to work on it. Repairs, clearing house, yard clearing, selling furniture, etc is a full time job. might be a while before I can start on the car again.
  3. Thanks for asking. Had a few health problems that interfered. Finally got over sciatic nerve problems after over a month, thought I'd get to work and crawl under the car before it got cold. We finally went to church mid Oct and got Covid even after getting booster shot a few weeks before. Wife didn't though being around me at home all week.. Wasn't bad, just out for 2 weeks. Got better and we started trying to catch up other work around the house while it was warm here, mostly pressure washing and final grass cutting. Got sick again with some crap I picked up in Israel. It's a minor cold I have 4-5 times a winter where just so worn out don't feel like doing much. Just now feeling better, been painting my wife's smoking room (small bathroom) for about 2 weeks off and on as I have energy, finished yesterday. Now the weather won't warm up in SC. Fear was that it would get cold and I couldn't lay under the car. Glad you asked. Didn't think a lot of people cared. I'd post stuff about oil galleries and possible manufacturing defects, hardly anything. Seemed like people were more interested in how to flush a radiator.. I need to get in a better mood and get motivated. Got new brake lines, gas lines, parts etc..just not enough oophm in me to do other stuff now. Really appreciate your concern.
  4. Put a DIY shroud on that baby.
  5. Thanks..knew they weren't for towing but didn't have a clue. I'll remove them before cleaning the frame. Going to lift the body up just high enough to get to all of the floor pan areas and tops of frame. Got 6 extra jack stands (to my 4 existing), a 2nd floor jack and two 4x4s. Was wondering the best/easiest way to remove the steering box. Thinking of the 3 bolts on the frame and taking the tie rod ends off.
  6. Do you know what they are for?
  7. Anybody know what these are? Can't find in any of my books. Cleaning the frame. Bryan
  8. Before cleaning.
  9. Scraping everything off and going to use Rustoleum rust reformer on everything. Had good results when I painted the rusty rear end on my truck with it. Let it cure 2 weeks and used enamel. I bought 2- 4x4 8ft long boards to use to lift the body. Got to cut them to a little under 6 ft. Bought 6 jack stands, extra floor jack, already extra to the 4 jack stands I already have. Double locking type with pin. Lifting body up about 1 ft, or high enough to get the tops of the frame & body over frame.
  10. It was strange. Looked like a mixture of mud & grease, but very hard. Didn't know whether it was some applied undercoating protection or just accumulated. I might re-coat them in grease when I'm finished.
  11. Hope you could find where I intended. Crazy link I thought would go to the correct page. It was on p14.
  12. Finally got the master cylinder off. Everything removed from under the car. Started using paint scrapers to get off the loose stuff and grease/dirt. Hate using sanding wheels on a grinder first and having it fling crap all over. Seems like the frame is in better shape than it looked, just surface rust. Also floor bottoms aren't too bad. Some kind of weird thick coating on the leaf springs. Scraped it off, loose in places.
  13. I wouldn't try to match the ports to the gaskets. Don't know how thick the ports are with the water jacket behind it. I bought the same exhaust manifolds. I did my ports just to remove what ridges I could without removing too much metal, also rough spots and bumps. Under the edges of the valve seats need to be careful. Mine had recesses in some places so deep I couldn't grind it flush, or I'd undermine the seats. Used a dremel. Look at my posts. I deburred sharp edges in the block, and cleaned out the oil galleries.
  14. In SC mice can be a problem. I keep a bag of mothballs in the trunk and driver floor of the car. Keeps moths and mice away. You have to change them about once a year, and if you are working in/around the car make sure to air it out first with a fan. Will give you a headache, feels like a hangover next day.
  15. I'm in the process of doing the same thing. You can go thru my posts. Take plenty of pictures before doing it. Take pictures of carb linkages, clutch, brake pedal linkages, where stuff is bolted up, line routings, cable routings, etc. Once you take something partially apart, take pictures inside (like of the clutch arm) when you pull the transmission. Buy some black plastic sheeting, and keep large cardboard boxes. You can break down boxes to lay on. Recommend cleaning motor and transmission, bellhousing etc before doing pulling stuff. Otherwise you start spreading sticky grease and oil thru all your tools. Use the plastic to catch grease and oil goo to protect the floor. Get some large clear baggies and sandwich size sealable bags to put small brackets, screws, bolts & nuts in, label the bags as you put stuff in them. Permanent marker on outside, stuff a label inside. Buy a good battery powered impact wrench. I have one that really saved my sh--t about 4-5 times. Need a large hammer and a map gas or propane torch. A lot of penetrating oil and brake cleaner. Need to get an engine hoist (2 ton), load leveler and a transmission jack. Set of SAE impact sockets.
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