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  • Gender
  • Location
    Renfrew Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Woodworking. bush work walking
  • My Project Cars
    1946 Dodge made in Windsor Ontario

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  • Biography
    Retired paramedic
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  • Location
    Renfrew Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    My dodge, walking,snowshoeing , bush work and wood work

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  1. Wow what a beauty love the colour
  2. I bought a rebuild kit for mine ,never used it a member of our group suggested I just put in synthetic grease and see if that helped . so I did it dosen't leak and works fine.
  3. Yes welcome to the Forum love to see more pics
  4. I don't think it will leak much gas when you replace the lines . That flex line is one spot where mine was leaking it took me forever to find it .
  5. Opps yes it would be light i meant SAE 30
  6. I have been useing Bernbaum Auto Parts for years no problems .
  7. So I use SAE 10 motor oil my understanding is if your engine has been rebuilt it is safe to use 10W30 detergent oil if not stay with the SAE 10 reason being your oil will stay cleaner longer . The problem being a detergent oil will break up all the crap in these old engines. I have a electric fuel pump close to the fuel tank and it is the type that can be used as a full time pump or as an occasional assistance pump to lets say to help start the car .
  8. Had the same problem wrapped the fuel line in a insulation put a electric pump on problem solved .
  9. Love your dash . Your car is a D 25 be careful when ordering parts always order P15 parts. Don't ask how I know .
  10. Wow what a difference . The odometer is ready to roll over soon. I think the Plymouth has the nicest cluster . .
  11. I have also seen the mechanism s for sale can't remember where . Try Andy Bernbaum or Moparpro or Rock Auto
  12. You will have to push in on the stainless ring .you will see a pin that has to be pushed out to release the handle . Use a finishing nail or something of similar diameter to start it out them grab it with pliers Its hard to believe the handle is bent ,but you should have no trouble replacing it I have seen them for sale on line I hope that helps
  13. My carb was doing the same thing after a rebuild also with the different style of needle assemble . I solved the problem by adjusting the float less gas in the bowl. I also wrapped the fuel line with aluminized heat shroud from the fuel pump to the carb.
  14. Maybe yours is different ,but this is what they are referring to.
  15. I know they sell them at Andy Bernbaums don't know the model # but they have new old stock and used no guarantee if they work
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