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HHO/Run Your Car on Water: Does it really work? (OT)

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I've seen a lot of hype lately on HHO/ Brown's gas conversions. Has anyone here tried it? Are there any good websites out there (besides the infomercial ones) to check into it further?

Inquiring minds need to know.....


Mythbusters totally busted the "burn water" myth a couple of years ago. An automobile electrical system does not put out enough electricity to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen, also there is no good way to store what little hydrogen is produced. The process is just too slow to be even remotely effective. It's cheaper to buy hydrogen in compressed cylinders and pipe it into your fuel system. Of course, bottled hydrogen is more expensive than gasoline so there is no savings.


there is the hybrid where you burn hydrogen in conjunction with your gas..tweaking of the MAP sensor and such...called HOD, hydrogen on demand. I qas given the complete article on this couple weeks ago..uses baking soda to generate the hydrogen..as it is on demand, there are no accumulators and such..have not looked at it very close...figured if it were a good source..would be readily available as a kit...makes for good reading I guess..

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