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Hi all, after my 12 mile ride tonight I also noticed the carb boby was wet with gas, the screws on the carb are all tight, what gives this carb was rebuilt just a year ago.

This may explain why the engine is picking up speed on idle after a run, carb is full of gas and is delivering too much.

Is this a float issue or and accelerator pump issue..............Thanx Fred


where is wet bottom middle. Did you rebuild the carb or have it rebuilt ? Since you say it runs very well I would I would think a gasket but did you recheck the float level especially if someone else did the rebuild



Both middle and top gasket, I had a very experienced mechanic reuild her, the engine does run well inpsite of this problem......Fred


I would take it apart check the float level and replace the gaskets and also check the surfaces where the gasket goes is not damaged. In addition to the screws on top there are also 3 screws near the base did you check them


All the screws were tightened , I have extra gaskets, so maybe if I lower the float a bit and replace the gaskets, it may solve the problem...............Fred


Fred, if that's the regular carter ball and ball, the factory float measurement is probably 5/64". They seem to run fine and leak less if you increase that to 7/64" or even a tad more. Right now I'm experimenting with mine at more like 9/64 or so and it seems to run fine and no more leakage or gas smell. Pic is from a Plymouth manual but all those B&B carbs are similar.



Before I took it apart I would do a couple of things:

1 run it for a while and watch the carb- you might discover the leak location.

2 tighten all accessable screws to an even pressure.But not an excessive pressure.

3 Bang on the float bowl with rubber hammer some and drive it-sometimes the needle valve will stick open for some unknown reason and a whack with a rubber hammer or wood mallet will jar it loose. I have also used a piece of wood and a metal hammer.

Good Luck



The base of my carb was wet the other day after starting it. It was from the frost that formed on the carb. Cold weather does funny things....

Wayne P.


Mine is doing something similar. It leaks at the point where the accelerator shaft exits the carb body. It seems to happen more when I give it gas. I'm thinking float issue, but when I dissconnected the linkage from the pump shaft to the throttle shaft it quit. Ran like crap, but didn't leak. I set the float at 7/64 for this very reason, might lower it more. I'm wondering if when then the float lowers upon acceleration if the fule it squriting into the carb and gettig into the accelerator shaft?


Hi Cole, that sure sounds like a possibility. Today I started the engine, let her run till warm , just idling, gave her the gas a number of times, the carb stayed dry, the idle speed was not picking up on it's own.

If I would have gone for a run of a few miles and returned, I am sure the carb would have been wet, and the idle speed is little higher.

I think the carb is getting lots of gas, because the float level is too high or something is sticking.

I think I will have to lower the float also..................Fred


Hey Rockwood, I'm going to lower the float a little this weekend. I also have been thinking that my needle and seat at the fuel inlet might be screwed up. I will let you know if I find anything.


An old time mechanic told me a good way to clean up the needle and seat is to use toothpaste and just lap the needle and seat like you would a valve and valve seat. It cleans everything up well and make for a great fit. I've tried it and it works well. Just clean the toothpaste of before reassembly!:P


Robert, do you think that is my issue the needle and seat, these are fairly new, but I suppose that don't mean nuthin.....


Fred, it was with mine and I put in a new needle and seat which didn't help a whole lot until I "lapped" them with the toothpaste. They may have been a bit corroded or had dirt on them I had missed. Carb still gets a bit damp on really hot days when it is shut off so I am also thinking I will lower the float a bit. Let us know how things turn out for you.


I got tired of the leaks in both my carbs. Mostly the same symptoms you guys are seeing. I went from the 5/64" recommended float level, to 7/64, still leaking but not as much. Last week I pulled the tops off the carbs and got radical. They are both at 12/64" now (3/16") and so far no sign of the leaks and no driveability problems. Goes to show you how forgiving these old carbs are. When the weather clears up I'll want to take one run up into the local hills to make sure it doesn't starve on uphill pulls and sharp curves.

My carbs are easier than some, I have no chokes, no choke linkage connecting the top plate. Just 4 screws and it's off.

I also use a fuel proof gasket sealer called Hylomar on that top gasket. It stays tacky forever. Just takes a thin coat on both sides of the gasket. I swear by the stuff.



i'd check the needle/seat inlet assembly first, based on your description. it sounds as if there's a little bit of "debris/gunk" preventing the needle from seating properly all the time, so you get intermittent leakage. the float setting, if it's a problem, should show itself every time you drive, rather than once in a while.


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