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Guys, it's not mine. Somebody must be selling them. My son sent these pictures via email. Not his either, he must have found it on the internet.

Don, because someone must like it. As for me, I have no use for a grill of any kind. Can't stand the smell of grease burning in charcoal, or the taste of food cooked over charcoal. Actually, upsets my stomach just to smell it. As for gas grills, that's why they make the kitchen stoves. We do not cook outside and do not own a grill. I will admit though, the grill pictured is neat for those who like to cook out.


I like Norm amnot fond of charcoal..by preference not dictated by the gut..however for my gas grill it is used all the time..we rarely use the oven or cook meat on the stove top in the house..another good thing about the south..grilling without snow..


Tim folks up these parts grill all year round, as long as it's not real windy, the BBQ gets good and hot. Most of us keep them on our decks just out the door and right handy, nothing like a big juicy T-bone on the grill.............Fred


Tim, my next door neighbor has a large grill outside. You'll see him cooking on it in sub zero weather. He just goes out, puts whatever he's cooking on it, then back in the house. Comes out to check on it every now and then, until done. Lot's of people do that up here. At least it's a gas grill and there is no charcoal smell, just the food cooking.

hope he doesn't encounter gourmet grizzlies wishing to sample his cooking....

I've lived here since 1971. Only bear we've ever had in the city was a Black Bear about a year or two ago. Normally, there are none around here. This one was a young one and got lost somehow. Cops shot him out a tree with a dart to put him asleep by some trucking company, loaded him in a truck and hauled him about 150 miles north of here where they usually roam and let him loose. The bear was hard to get, he was more afraid of all the people than the people were of him.

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