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bias vs radial tires

Guest garydcle

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Glad it's not my computer. I'm due to send in a donation too. I'd better do it soon, because the spendthrifts in the CA legislature have once again failed to put away for a rainy day and the state is looking at 10% across the board funding cuts next fiscal year. Bunch of clowns!

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I just sent GTK a PM about how to go about an auction with funds raised going to the forum. I've got my old spot light and a 1941 plymouth owners manual that could both go on the block. I know we used to do the auctions on the old site and they went over well.

Ed, you can do it two ways. Either have the buyer pay you, then you make the donation. Or........have the buyer make a direct donation for payment of the item and shipping charges to you. I sold a couple of auction items like that on the old forum. Both times I had the buyer send the money direct to GTK and I paid the freight on at least one of those. In my case though the buyer's got the credit for the donation, but........who cares since the important thing was the donation was made.

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Yeah, now that I look, mine says the last entry was in march....yet I know I threw a few bucks in not long after I joined in August....maybe it is updated periodically. But then, are't the archive discs available with a donation? I haven't seen those yet...hmmmm, maybe I should check Paypal and make sure my donation transaction completed.

Speaking of contributions, maybe my cookies are corrupted or something, but when I go to the contribution info, it shows nothing contributed since March 2007. I think I sent a few meager bucks after that. Do you folks see the same date?
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