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I'm a new member with a 38 plymouth P6 4door. I have been reading for quite awhile. I lucked into a really nice fenton aluminum head that I'm ready to install. I'm also adding a George Aesche split exhaust manifold. I ordered a set of felpro gaskets from napa, the head gasket is copper with some type of blue coating on one side. There isn't anything on the gasket or in the paperwork that tells which side goes up. The original gasket was copper on both sides. Does anyone have any idea?

Heres a pic of my car.



Thank you. I'm really looking forward to getting the head and exhaust done. I keep hearing how great these engines sound with split exhaust. The only one I have ever heard was blueskies. I just picked up some short aluminized 2" glasspacks and I'm going with 2" pipe from front to back. I hope it sounds good when it's finished.


Don't worry about it. You aren't the first one. You get hung up on the 2 different materials and don't pay attention to the holes in it.


You will probably still want to put a sealer of some sort (I prefer Gasgacinch, YMMV) on the copper side of the gasket. If the machined surface is good you should not need any on the Teflon (blue) side.

And make darn sure that every bolt that goes into either the head or the block is well sealed up with something like a pipe thread sealing paste, as they will leak otherwise! That includes the waterpump bolts (been there, done that .......)


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