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 Since my last post regarding the door trim on my 48 desoto, I am discovering that my car is becoming a bit of a monster. Brakes, welding, cross thread wheel bolts, dodgy fuel line and probably much more to discover.

I am trying to locate some copper rivets for my brake shoe linings, can anyone out there help.

Thank you in advance 

Nick .


Brake lining uses brass rivets and not copper rivets. Also brakelining rivets come is various sizes and there are specific to the car and brake shoe.  According to my brake catalog your car will use a rivet number 4-5  So it would be a group 4 brass rivet the shank is 9/64  the head is 5/16 and the length  is 5/16  you will also need a tool to peen over the rivet.

Rich Hartung


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