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Bob Toft, Bob VanBuskirk, Pete (blueskies) Anderson, and I watched it happen. We will soon return to the scene of the crime as the car is unwrapped. I dont hold much hope that this car will ever clock its first mile.

We are all doing well and having a ball. Many pictures to follow.


Looking forward to seeing whats under the tarp. Several feet of water doesnt sound good but still worth seeing. Glad some of the guys could make it as well as have their own get together. That makes it all worth while. Enjoy fellas, you've earned it!


I am a bit surprised that they didnt allow for drainage of water out of that vault!! Like a floor drain to a lower sewer line!! Or a sump pump or something,,,even an access to monitor water level and a suck out place. Most everyone knows concrete by its very nature isnt 'waterproof' but VERY porous. look how hard it is to keep water inside a swimming pool and OR out of a concrete basement. Did they even waterproof the inside and outside walls of this vault?? Seal around the lid?? IF not it was doomed to fail. Water ALWAYS wins!!!

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