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Hello from Northern Ontario Canada

I just picked up this 52 DG4 2 ton dump, the seller told me that it ran, but he had taken the distributor to a local shop to have 12v points put in it. The flat deck is unfinished, and not very well built, but I figured it would be fine for hauling firewood around the house for awhile. With plans to eventually put the truck on the road to haul logs to my sawmill.

I put some money down on it, and told him I would be back in two weeks, asI had to go out of town for a week or so. I figured this would give the PO time to get the truck up and running.

When I came to buy the truck and take it home, I arrived with my wife waiting for the seller to show up. (He had the truck at a friends house with highway frontage). I opened the hood to find no distributor...After about a half hour of waiting the seller showed up (distributor in hand), and we chatted, I asked hear it run, as that was part of our deal, but by now it was obvious there was going to be more to getting the truck running than just dropping the dizzy in.

Someone had cut the gas lines to remove the tank, and I expected the PO to have them all hooked back up, or at least have a temporary gas can hooked up. The PO said that he replaced the fuel pump and filter to the carb, and they looked great, except for the fact that the fuel pumps lines were bent upwards, almost as tall as the intake.

The seller brought this truck home from Alberta, to his province of Saskatchewan and then was brought to Ontario when he moved here, as short time ago.

The truck has time worn rust, from paint fade, but is as solid as the day it left the factory in Windsor.

I offered to help get the truck going, but the PO was not interested, telling me how much work it was going to be, that it might take a couple of hours and he didn't have time that night. (There was a huge black cloud moving in anyway, with a wall of rain inching our way anyhow)

I asked him if we could work on it together on the coming Sunday, I said if it fires up, I'll pay you on the spot.

In the meantime I got the biggest and best suprise I guy can get. I got a little help from my best friend (and secret weapon) Unto, when he offered to come with me to look at the truck on the second visit. Unto is an 85 year old Electrial Engineer and all around bush mechanic. He spent his life fixing anything with wheels or tracks and knows his way around a flathead six.

Sunday came and Unto and I arrived with tools in hand. It was one of the greatest days of the whole summer season, with clear blue skies, no hurry for nothing, just time to kick the tires and begin some diagnostics on the dizzy et all.

The rig had been partially converted to 12v, in a very hasty way.

When we got to the truck there was a fellow on the property, who introduced himself as a mechanic.

His first words were "I hope you brought a coil..It needs a coil"

I could see the brand new Accel coil sitting there that the PO had installed, and an unused ballast resistor.

Sure is a gooood feeling to have an electical engineer with you, when you start trouble shooting.

We deduced the power to the points was grounding out on the distributor housing, so in true bush mechanic style we stared at the tools and supplies we had brought.

We needed to isolate the bolt that holds the condenser in the distributor, I pulled the yellow plastic casing off of a #10 ring terminal crimp fitting. I filed a little off the length of it, suprisingly the diameter was a perfect fit in the distributor housing. We popped everything back together threw a little gas in the carb and it fired first try.

The starter seemed to over run, and not engage until the 4,5,6th try...

I don' think the ring gear is too happy about that....I will be posting a video of the problem sometime tomorrow, so I can get things sorted.

Runs like a champ, nice sound, no muffler (yet) no brakes, though each wheel has been redone, there is a problem with the master cylinder.



Edited by morgoon52
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I guess I should start a new thread about my starter issues

Thanks for a warm welcome

LoL Its funny but I think your question got lost in your great introduction.I just reread it and I'm sure I missed it the first time. I can't be of much help, but I'm sure someone will jump in.


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