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If you can get behind them use a pair of pliers and squeeze the clip together and they should slide off, then lay them down and tap them with a small hammer to tighten them up for the next go round.


Dune dude,

Dezeldoc's idea is the best; it's certainly my preferred method of removing them but occasionally I can't get behind them. When this happens I use a jeweler's screwdriver (one of those teeny ones that come in a set from China) and GENTLY pry up from between the base of the clip and the tang that holds the studs. If you're not careful you can break the studs this way so I also try to hold the base of the clip down with another screwdriver. As I said, Dezeldoc's method works best but this is an alternative.

Those clips are sold in hardware stores so if you're worried about breaking one they are easily replaced.



I have always had success with a dental pick..get under each side of the locking tab an carefully lift up the pronged part of the clip.this will release all tension on the clip..your chances of getting a plier behind the hood where the brace is welded is going to be slim on that model..jewelers screwdriver if a dental pick is not at hand..plus if my memory serves me correct the single clip is for two letters..


I got mine off my 50 in about 15 sec! since i was not going to use them again and they were kinda scruffy i just used a gasket scraper and a body hammer!


if the letter are in any condition at all....and you are going to re-use them..little patience no goes a long way..if you shaving the hood and the letters are shot..whack them suckers like the doc said....I took the letter off a 50 hood for use elsewhere..save the hood and the clips, the clips can be reused also just by pressing the forked tabs back dow a bit, not all the way but enought to grab the stem on the letter..odds ae a cew of these will be totally rusted..the use of single clip per stud saves the day..


Well I'm opposite of everything here..... I don't care about the hood, but do want to save the clips and the letters. It just seems difficult because each clip is about 3/4" x 1" and each clip holds two studs (two studs per letter = one clip) That's where it gets hard, one clip per stud wouldn't be so bad to remove.


you are pretty much stuck to the method I described above due to the limited access and size of the clip and being double stud style..I have removed a number of these as I described with erxcellent results..I know of no other safer method..gently lifting the pronged ear on each isde of the stud allow removal and if the clip is not totally rusted.reuse can be done by gently bending the pronged ears back down a bit prior to reuse..

else destroy the hod and cut the metal out with the lettering and go at it from there...

you are pretty much stuck to the method I described above due to the limited access and size of the clip and being double stud style..I have removed a number of these as I described with erxcellent results..I know of no other safer method..gently lifting the pronged ear on each isde of the stud allow removal and if the clip is not totally rusted.reuse can be done by gently bending the pronged ears back down a bit prior to reuse..

else destroy the hod and cut the metal out with the lettering and go at it from there...

Kinda what I did, the hood is so rusted out I was able to take the whole front hood support section and fold it out of the way to get access to the clips. I'll get some dental picks today and give it a shot.

Thanks guys!

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