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Hey everyone. I just got myself a 52 dodge from a farm field in northern alberta. It's a canadian made DG1-08. Ive googled the heck out of it and can't find much info. I know its akin to the B3, but i'm wondering what evactly I've found. I'm tossing the idea around of dropping it onto a 92 dakota chassis that a friend has, but before i do i'd like to know if it's something rare, valuable or otherwise that would make it worth my while to restore it as an original instead. it's a complete truck with some rust but in overall good condition. The interior is a wreck, as it's been a mouse house for a decade but the dash is in great shape. The motor is complete, and now seized but was running when it was put to pasture. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Pictures to come. Thanks!



Andrew, welcome to the forum from one of the Oz member's. You'll find plenty of info on your truck here. I'm pretty sure that you'll even find that a couple of other member's have modified their rides with Dakota chassis/parts too. Use the search button from the tool bar to find a quick link to subjects. Enjoy the wealth of knowledge that the forum has to offer. Post some pics as soon as you get a chance.




Welcome Andrew. Here's a link to a past thread where we discussed the Canadian model numbers. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=20697&highlight=Fargo

When I first got my truck I also conteplated a Dakota chassis swap, but as I got into it more I decided to keep it original and I'm glad that I did. Power steering, brakes, and a syncronised transmission would make it easier to drive, but it has more charactor as it is.



welcome from one of the crazy ones who put his truck on a Dakota frame. It's been a fun project, but not for the faint of heart. It's not done yet, but the frame, motor, trans part is done, the cab is in bare metal and ready for bodywork. I chopped it too. Post some pix so we can see what you have.


I would like to build a reliable daily driver out of it, My main curiousity is if this things is a rare find or just another average truck. I know about 5300 of this model was built that year but can't find numbers for the american b3 to compare. I have toyed with the idea of keeping it original as possible, but being that the flathead has close to 60000 miles on it already i'm not sure if its got alot left on it. The leaf shackles are all broken as would probably be common, the steering kingpins have play in them as do the u-joints. I'll try and attach a picture of two of it.





Glad to see you here.

My '52 B3B was in similar (but running) shape when I pulled it out of the woods in British Columbia 10 years ago. I'm not sure if your truck is worth any more than the average NADA value but once on the road you'll get lots of looks and waves as you go by....

...and if you need any parts be sure to ask. The members here are really helpful and most are more than wiling to part with their "parts" for a reasonable rate.



Thanks for the replies! I think for springs and shackles i'll probably just scoop them off a newer truck from the wrecker. I'd like to get this thing on the road sooner than later, and i havent got the coin i'd need to do a full restoration. So the rat rod mentality is what i will apply.

I'd like to keep the stock front axle if possible, but with the steering knuckles having play it won't pass a safety. Does anyone know if parts are available for that, or suggestions to replace/repair them? Still toying with the dakota chassis swap idea too. Depends on what can be fixed. I rented a garage, moving the truck there this weekend so i can start dismantling it and see exactly what needs doing.


Yes those! So am i far off to believe that a lot of smaller and mechanical parts for these trucks are still available through napa? How much play should this kingpin setup have in it, if any? The ones on my truck have visible movement at the bottom.. roughly 1-2mm. The steel ball bearings sound like the best way to go when i replace them.

Yes those! So am i far off to believe that a lot of smaller and mechanical parts for these trucks are still available through Napa? How much play should this kingpin setup have in it, if any? The ones on my truck have visible movement at the bottom.. roughly 1-2mm. The steel ball bearings sound like the best way to go when i replace them.

I don't think there should be any king pin movement.

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