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A local headliner guy here is going to be making me 2 new headliners for My two 4 door p-15's

He makes them from the foam type fabric now used in headliners and they are beautiful. I will have epics of mine when installed.

He thinks he can sell them for about 80 bucks plus 5 to 10- bucks shipping

If he get enough orders.

So anyone wanting one- will be your color choice let me know So I can give him an idea of how many he will need to cut. If he can cut 3 to 5 at a time he can save us a lot of money! He will be using my original pattern

Let me know at





I too would be interested in the headliner for a 47 P-15 4dr. the color would be White. email me with what details you have about this and maybe a pic or 2.... God Bless Us All....John Ennis 47Plevy

  • 1 year later...
A local headliner guy here is going to be making me 2 new headliners for My two 4 door p-15's

He makes them from the foam type fabric now used in headliners and they are beautiful. I will have epics of mine when installed.

He thinks he can sell them for about 80 bucks plus 5 to 10- bucks shipping

If he get enough orders.

So anyone wanting one- will be your color choice let me know So I can give him an idea of how many he will need to cut. If he can cut 3 to 5 at a time he can save us a lot of money! He will be using my original pattern

Let me know at




Update? Does the supplier have a web page?


Acme in Long Beach ca is a supplier to most shops and the last ones I bought cost me around 45.00. Are they using the foam backed headliner material found in the late model cars? If so I would watch it as that does not have much strength to it.


actually i was very much concerned over using the foam backed material in a headliner without it being blued in place...a local shop here did the Dakota for me...they only glued the materal on the folds over the edge of the material..the then did a stick to the cardboard itself and made it appear to be a sewn headliner with bows...amazingly this headliner is still in excellent appearance and holding up like a champ..made a believer out of me..still not my choice per say..but for the few bucks it cost..remarkable results..


This morning I contacted Richie Hodge to see if he had installed the headliner he got from the same guy Lou is talking about in this thread. Richie told me he has not done so as he is going to sell his P-15. So I bought Richies new P-15 headliner.

Richie also told me he just bought another Hudson. He has not taken delivery yet. When he gets it I will ask him to post some pictures.


So he found another one eh..he had mentioned that Honey wanted one when I had dinner with him last month..good for him, wonder if he found an automatic?...hate to think the Plymouth has to go...but I also know that you cannot keep them all though I try..trust me..I try....Don..did you ever see his other Hudson after he painted it?...he worked hard and steady on that project for about 3 months straight..

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