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the bowl on my carb will be dry after sittting for a day or so, where can it leak from? how can i fix it? i think that it is leaking from the plug in the bottom of the bowl. I think the hole is walloed out or there is a minor crack at the plug. what can i use to fix this? (will jb weld work)


You should be able to verify that the plug is the leak source. Dry off the carb and after a couple hours put your finger on the plug. If it's leaking enough to go dry in a day or two, there should be some raw gas there.

Just my opinion, something like this can be fixed with JB weld. Need to take out the plug, dry it all off, and re install the plug with the epoxy. Give it at least 24 hours to fully cure. Others may disagree, but the stuff works in quite a few repairs that would otherwise make a part a throwaway.

If the repair works, keep your eye out for a rebuildable carb on ebay or at swap meets, so eventually you can fix it right.


With todays fuel if your float level is low it just might be evaporating. As posted clean and dry the outside of the carv, then put some cardboard or paper under the float bowl. then check it for leaks. If you don;t see any wet, then it might be overflowing and leaking into the manifold but this woul usually be indicated by fuel at one or both ends fo the throttle butterfly pivot pin, and you oil might smell like gas.

Is there any wetness at the front of the bowl where the needle and seat fitting goes in?


after closer inspection, i found 2 things. first the jet in the bottom of the carb was so loose i didnt need a wrench to remove it. second there is a 1/4 long crack starting at the plug on the outside bottom plug going toward the main car body. i think i might have found my leak.


there are two threaded conections there, usually just needs to be snugged up or a new fiber gasket for the brass fitting that contains the seat that the needle fits into.

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