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Save it Reg, you'll need it when Don kicks the buckett! Only a true BSer could have come up with that one.:D

Don, have you ever thought about a career in politics? I think your a natural!:)

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I don't tell many people this secret, because it has become somewhat spiritual for me, but I seem to find pennies lying on the ground, a lot of times, in very unusual places, out of the way places, and places where hundreds of people have passed. When I find one, I am usually thinking something very positive, about to do something very good or just did, for some one else, etc; all positive energy stuff, well, when I find one, I wink up to God and thank Him for allowing me to be at the right place, at the right time, to find His message penny. Yesterday, at the grocery store, I got out of my car, went back to open the trunk to get a big bag of recycling plastic bags to drop off at the store, I pushed the button to open the trunk and looked down at the ground. Lying between my feet was another penny. I gave God my usual wink and said thanks then I picked up the penny. It was a 1946 "wheat" D penny. Thank you, Lord.

PS: I found a little plastic box, with a slide out drawer (compartment) ( 15/8's" L, 17/16's W, 7/16's H ), at an antique store for 95 cents. It looks like a circa 1940's little plastic box and is that light hospital green/light sea foam green color. I put the 1946 "wheat" (ears) D penny in it. Tomorrow, when I go up to Art's storage garage to give them my ebay purchased front passenger door latch and cowl vent mechanism with a handle and knob on it, to repair both of those currently not working components in PLYWOOD, I am going to put the penny box in the glove compartment for God Luck. I am still amazed that, of all the pennies I have been finding since 2003, I found a 1946 Wheat D.

Edited by Charlie Olson

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