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Some of you who have been around here for a while will remember Pizza Frank Marrone. He was a regular contributor for several years. This morning I got an e-mail from his family. It is pasted below.

Hi All,

My Dad (Frank J) has left Cloverdale and has moved in with my brother and

sister-in-law (Bob and Stephanie Marrone) in Walnut Creek, CA. Dads health

and memory has not been that great for the last year. This move was done in

the best interest of my father all things considered. Bob and Stephanie

deserve much kudos for their ability and willingness to take Dad in at this


Dads old EMAIL address has been disconnected, he had not used it since last

March in any case, so this is sent as a long overdue notice of that. If you

would like to contact Dad please call or write him and at my brothers house,

EMAIL: baymarrones@comcast.net

Phone: 925 287 1796

I'm sure Dad would like to hear from you all. If you have time to call,

write or drop in and visit him it would do him a lot of good.

Frank P Marrone


That's too bad. Sorry to hear that. Were you able to meet up with Frank when you were out here Don?


On one of my trips James Douglas and I were scheduled to meet Frank at a railway museum but he could not make it at the last moment. Frank and I traded e-mails for several years and it has been a good while sence I last heard from him.


Sorry to hear that. Don't know how old he is but it probably had a lot to do with his wife's passing away.

We have a friend that is only 68 years old. About 3 years ago he retired. Just before he retired he did a lot of remodeling in his house. New dream kitchen for his wife, etc. Set up a nice shop to do a little working too. They also planned on doing a lot of traveling. The first year he was retired he also did sub contracting part time for the company he retired from. About 14 months after he retired he came home from doing some sub contracting work and found his wife sitting in the recliner, and it looked like she was sleeping so he just went into the bedroom and changed clothes. Came out and she was still the same way. Turned out she had died of a heart attack not long after lunch with a lady friend that day. Ever since then the guy hasn't been his self. He said he's not too steady on his feet and has fallen a few times. He's also lost a lot of weight since his wife died and he wasn't big to begin with. Now he's talking about selling his house and going into an assisted living place. Seems he just doesn't care as much about anything anymore, except visit with his daughters and their families. He hasn't done any sub contract work either since the day his wife passed away, even though he's been ask to several times.


If any of you have seen the movie "Second Hand Lions"...

Sondra and I want to go out the same way, except trying to thread the tower on the GG Bridge :-)

Sorry to hear about Frank. I will have to make a point to go out to Walnut Creek and take him for lunch and/or a ride if he is up to it.



I had a great-aunt that passed away just a few months after her husband passed. My grandmother has never been the same since my grandfather passed away in 2003. It's not all that uncommon for one to lose their zest for life after the passing of a spouse.

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