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Fuel Pump (heart) & Fuel Line (arteries) problems OT

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I went to see a Vascular Surgeon at the Loma Linda VA Hospital Friday and he said that I will have to have a roto router job on my carotid arteries (75% blockage) and that my name has been put on the surgery list and they will call me with the date. He said that it would most likely be after the first of the year. I go to see another VA Doctor this Friday to find out if I need a Elect Fuel Pump (pacemaker) to fix the heart murmur they say I have developed.

Last week I made 3 trips to Loma Linda & 2 trips to Victorville to see doctors and have tests done. So happy gas prices are down some.;)

The worst part about this is that Kathy was in the room when the doctor said that I have to take it easy and NO working, so she will not let me close to my garage.:mad:

Now with all these trips to Doctor's Offices I've caught the flu.:mad:

So if I seam out of it, some days, this is my story & I'm sticking to it.:D

Sorry about the rant.:confused:



All the best to you Dennis, I hope you receive your Surgery in a timely manner, that all goes well, and your recovery and follow-up goes well.

I do know a number of guys that have had heart surgery, and most of them looked and felt like a million dollars afterwards, diet and excercise also helps with the recovery, and good health.

All the best to you and the Mrs..........


Ahhh.....time for a minor overhaul........it seems lots of guys have had

such things done, with good results. It's just the idea of having to go

thru it yourself. Hope everything works out OK for you, Dennis.


Dennis I have three stents in various areteries. Not a big deal if they do it through a cathader. the last one was just an overnight. went in at three was out by 10 am the next morning. The murmer may clear up after the residual pressure is relieved. Not a Doc but the restricted flow may be causing the valve to hang open causing the murmer.

Good luck and best wishes for a quick return to the Garage Mahal.


Good luck to you Dennis. We'll be praying that your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.

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