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Everything posted by thebelvedereman

  1. just wondering if you found that trim or not, thanks
  2. On Facebook?? Which page, I saw there was a guy selling a whole 48 Dodge, I sent him a message asking if he would sell the trim, but he never responded
  3. I thought someone stole my 39 Plymouth Business Coupe, I caught this one out of the corner of my eye at the show, almost the same color as my 39, but then when I got closer I saw the outside mounted headlights and tail lights and realized it was a 37
  4. Now I understand why lead East is 5 days long, there is no possible way you could look at all the cars in a single day, or even two days, there was somewhere around 4,000 cars there yesterday , hopefully there will be almost as many today
  5. well another 50 Flawless miles in the book, back and forth to lead East yesterday, and heading back there in about an hour this morning, not a lot of Our Generation Mopars at the show, but a whole lot of Mopars at the show this year, good to see, there was one really nice 1937 DeSoto with a 5.7 Hemi in it, I have pictures on my other phone I just have to upload them
  6. just doing a little routine maintenance on the on the Dodge before I go to the cruise night tonight, checking the oil making sure everything's tight, I decided to check the head bolts, it's amazing my car had any compression and no leaks, the torque on all the head bolts were between 30 and 35 foot pounds, and some even less
  7. I'm not sure, but it does have some Rust spots inside, not to mention it's over a hundred years old, I'm not sure I would want to be eating anything from it
  8. I don't know if I'd make any friends, it appears to be galvanized, and would probably just taste like old metal LOL
  9. No problem Tim, and thank you everyone I wouldn't have known what it was either if it wasn't for you guys, I looked up just about everything I could think of on the internet including a flour sifter, we got a great bunch of guys here, and I knew that one of you would know what it was, and then after you guys figured it out I did some research on the internet and found out exactly when it was made and everything, I might just throw it on the backseat of my car and take it to the cruise nights with the rest of the antique stuff that I have in the car
  10. yep, it was invented in 1887, and it's called a conical key scoop, and it was used mainly in ice cream parlors between 1887 and 1920, my stepmother found it with a bunch of antique auto parts, I guess they just threw it in there because it was an antique it's pretty much in perfect shape
  11. LOL, well I guess it's not for working on cars then, I wonder what the heck it was doing with a bunch of antique car parts, maybe they were working on cars and making ice cream LOL
  12. My stepmother found it in the basement, along with a whole bunch of car parts, the little knob on the end spins the two arms that are inside the funnel, and I have no idea what it is, not even sure if it's for anything to do with cars lol
  13. there has to be another passenger side cowl molding somewhere, there were almost 700,000 d24's made between 46 - 48, I found four left sides so far LOL
  14. well another 40 mile round trip in the books yesterday without any issues, except running one red light LOL, tried my best to stop just couldn't do it, the light went green yellow red all in one movement, and I was doing 45 miles an hour, there shouldn't be a traffic light on a highway anyway LOL
  15. I'm not putting the lake pipes on for sound, they would not even be hooked up, and as far as the sun visor goes, it is mounted the way it's supposed to be mounted, it is uniform all the way across if I pulled the middle down it would be squished looking in the middle and sticking up on the ends, it is a sun visor off an Old Hudson commodore, it is not adjustable, and it's open in the rear so it is very aerodynamic the wind just passes right under it
  16. Hi Drive fluid Drive same thing LOL I'm just going to stop talking
  17. Well, the Plymouth trim doesn't fit, it's about three quarters of an inch too long, I would just cut it to fit, but I'm sure I will have another Plymouth sooner than later , I did get my wheel bearings greased though LOL, they were dry as a bone, I guess that's what happens when a car sits in the garage for 35 years
  18. I love your DeSoto, I always wanted a DeSoto Suburban just like the one on Happy Days
  19. Yep, I'm just a dumbass, it's been 20 plus years since I've driven a fluid Drive, like I said out of all the Mopars I lean towards the Plymouth most of all
  20. Although Plymouth did actually have fluid Drive, for almost six whole months in Chrysler's last-minute attempt to use up all the extra fluid drives before they debuted the automatic transmission, poor Plymouth was always Chrysler's bitch, they always got all the leftover parts LOL
  21. that's why I've always been a Plymouth guy, you don't have to worry about these confusing things LOL
  22. Yeah my bad, it's coming back to me now, the last one I drove was a semi-automatic with the fluid coupling, it's been awhile LOL
  23. My car is a 47 so it has fluid Drive
  24. The fluid drive on my 47 Dodge doesn't seem to be working correctly, wondering if anyone knows any tricks, once I shift from first to second gear, I can come to a stop in second or third without engaging the clutch, but the car will not shift by itself, not sure if it's true for a 47, but every fluid drive that I've driven so far if you're in 2nd gear and you Tromp the gas down it will downshift, and if you let the gas up while moving it will upshift, and in 3rd gear if you tromp the gas down it will downshift, well my car does neither, it will only stay in the gear that you're in, I'm in the process of moving, and my service manual is packed away somewhere, does anybody have an idea what could be wrong??, I remember something about the carburetor being different on the fluid Drive models, I don't see any difference in mine, maybe someone put the wrong carburetor on before I get the car, or maybe it has nothing to do with the carburetor my memories kind of fuzzy, it still drives just fine using the clutch and shifting gears manually
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