The fluid drive on my 47 Dodge doesn't seem to be working correctly, wondering if anyone knows any tricks, once I shift from first to second gear, I can come to a stop in second or third without engaging the clutch, but the car will not shift by itself, not sure if it's true for a 47, but every fluid drive that I've driven so far if you're in 2nd gear and you Tromp the gas down it will downshift, and if you let the gas up while moving it will upshift, and in 3rd gear if you tromp the gas down it will downshift, well my car does neither, it will only stay in the gear that you're in, I'm in the process of moving, and my service manual is packed away somewhere, does anybody have an idea what could be wrong??, I remember something about the carburetor being different on the fluid Drive models, I don't see any difference in mine, maybe someone put the wrong carburetor on before I get the car, or maybe it has nothing to do with the carburetor my memories kind of fuzzy, it still drives just fine using the clutch and shifting gears manually