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Everything posted by jpartington

  1. Got the lighter and ash tray installed this evening and wired them up. Also wired up the heater switch. what are you guys running your wording for your lighter and lighter light to? I ran both mine to a pole on the ignition switch so when I turn on my ignition my lighter light turns on. Thinking about maybe switching it to the panel light switch.
  2. Yes I tried a bit more and got it. I had to much of the sheathing in the splitter. It works good now. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the information i will track down those parts and get mine swapped over. on a side note I got my heater installed finally. Got the fresh air valve hooked up. Tried to hook up the defrost valve but it didn’t seem to work correctly. I could get it to close the door but not open it back up. Not sure what the deal is here. Any suggestions/tricks?
  4. Yes I got my truck with the park brake handle coming from the floor. I did some research and found out that the correct one would be the handle under the dash. So I found one and added it in, it is not hooked up to anything yet. My plan is to take the original out and use the under the dash that I installed. But I realized that I had a different transmission and the drum on it looks a bit different in size so I just wanted to see if there was a different standard brake based on difference in transmission styles
  5. Is this regardless of what transmission I have?
  6. Any knowledge about the correct handbrake for my transmission?
  7. No hijack. As long as it is vent window related I think it fits perfectly I would hope that my experience would help others in their journeys. I will try to get the new seals so I can update the thread as quickly as possible I can’t get return process started with Steele till Tuesday.
  8. Talked to Roberts today and had him measure one of the seals he has. It is shorter then the one I received from Steele and by measurement should fit perfectly. I will be returning my Steele seals and purchasing the ones from Roberts will update on how they fit when I receive them.
  9. I have also talked to them about this and they said that no trimming or modification should be needed.
  10. Ok just wanted to make sure you had the same issues I also have a message to them to make sure I got the correct ones. But I will have to trim it a bit and make the slots for the hinge and stop hardware a bit longer to accommodate.
  11. I got my seals today from Steele today and they seem to be a bit longer then the window frame and the hole don’t line up quite right. Did you have any issues with that?
  12. Ok thank you for the info I think I’ll order some seals from Steele.
  13. Also follow up question. Did you install the glass in the frame yourself? If so any trick? I seen a video of someone doing it and they were smacking it with a rubber hammer pretty hard. That would make me a bit nervous. Did you use the sash channel filler from Steele to install the glass?
  14. But it fit nicely?
  15. Ok where did you get your seals from? Are they good quality?
  16. Ok that makes sense. What are the spacers?
  17. yes there was holes in it but not in my window channel on my door. Just wanted to make sure that those were indeed mounting holes before I went drilling holes in my door. if this install all as one unit then the screws go through the seal?
  18. Well I have most of the parts I need except for glass and some seals, but I got them all cleaned up and painted and I’m just doing a trial install. How do the frames mount into the door? I see on the bottom where it would fasten but it would be pretty loose on the top. There are a few holes on the top of the frame that I could put a screw in the secure it and there are tabs on my door in those locations, just no hold drilled. Would this be the correct way to mount it?
  19. Anybody know what the correct hand brake for this transmission would be? I think with the standard transmission I would need the pull handle under the dash. But mine has the lever on the floor, and the tranny cover plate is hacked up to make room for the lever and a larger shifter.
  20. Also changing direction for a bit here. How can I positively identify my transmission? I have a PTO on mine. By the looks of the diagram I have, it says that the drain hole plug goes in at a 30 degree angle to bottom of case (which is what mine looks like) and that would make it a 4 speed spur gear transmission (by the way my transmission is definitely a 4 speed). if this is indeed what I have, would this be stock for my truck? Or was this a factory option?
  21. I think I will just get some rubber to sandwich in between there just to be safe.
  22. Finally got the last piece I need to put the heater in the truck just need to clean it up and paint it. Should there be a gasket between the flange and the firewall? Maybe a rubber sheet type?
  23. Yes that is what I did. Knocked off the weld nut I guess I just called it a collar. But I will have to check that out. I was kind of considering going without the set screw but ill have to see how that goes. It’s a tight enough fit that I have to pound the lock in so I know it will not fall out.
  24. Happy to say that I got it out. I ended up knocking the whole collar off that the set screw goes into to.
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