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Abe Lugo

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Los Angeles near downtown
  • My Project Cars
    1933 Plymouth


  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Matchboxworld matchbox 1930's

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  1. We had a sticky cylinder, it was easily identified by visually looking at the rear of the wheel to see if there was fluid coming down. what happened on our is that there was rust building up in the lines or the master. took apart the cylinder cleaned it out as mach as possible, then honed it with the brake cylinder hone. Then flushed out some fluid and proceed to re-assemble and bleed the system, also need a bit of adjustment. Mainly check to see if its leaking fluid and then you would find your issue. If the steer pulls hard when you brake its in the front.
  2. Thanks for the welcome. I forgot to mention my wife has a '59 Dodge Coronet that needs some loving too. I might do the regular maintenance to keep it going, it a driver not sure if we will take it to Woodley show just yet. She wants me to focus on the Plymouth.
  3. Hi, My Name is Abe, I found this forum though searching for info on early Plymouths also through the other forums. I know my project doesn't fall under the late 38's P series, but there is a lot of great info here that applies to Tube axle Plymouths. Here is the car Im working on, it really for my wife. My first full 30's build. Im learning a lot already. Please keep posting all the great info here it helps everyone. BTW, Im a Matchbox designer, I make little metal cars. I may get a Plymouth or Dodge in my line next year, we'll see. Here is the project car 1933 Plymouth PC Sedan. Ad said "needs work" I finally found some time to do so.. here is one of last Hot Wheels cars and a car I would drive any day of the week, anywhere.
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