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    Mopar, Flathead
  • My Project Cars
    Dodge Business Coupe 1936

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    Old Mopar cars

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  1. Thanks for your positive feedback!
  2. I have a Dodge from -36. I have installera a R10 from -52. These transmissions are not build for floor shift but I rebuild it so it became one. It’s not so complicated. I also need to modify the emergency break and shortened the driveshaft as well.
  3. Thanks, this is good stuff!
  4. Thanks for the drawing, anyone knowing the difference compare with a Dodge frame from 1936?
  5. I believe neigher my or the other frames are export models. They should then have a longer wheelbase like the cars exported to Canada.
  6. I have a Dodge coupe from 1936 D2. I am looking for another frame to it. I found a frame from Dodge 1935 sedan. Do anyone know, if these frames are the same or are they different in any way? I am have been searching for a drawing including messures, do anyone where I can find that. I have also found a frame from Plymouth 1936 but what I found out is that they have a shorter wheel base. Is this a correct assumption?
  7. Thanks for the picture and all information! It's big help for me! Our cylinders are the same but my bottom of the handle are different compared with yours. The only conclusion I can come up with is that my handle is coming from a none Mopar car alternatively there are different cylinders around. I have google for different cylinder but all looks like ours. Regards, Magnus
  8. Trying to get my trunk lock to work. I am a bit unsure if I am missing some parts. Anyone knowing? The construction is a bit confusing to me and I don't have a correct one to take a part. Shall it be locked from the beginning or should do you unlock/lock when you turn the key around?
  9. Would this be how they are looking?
  10. Any idea how they looks like?
  11. Hi! I think I am missing some part inside the glove box. I think it should be something between the bolts, see the picture. Anyone knowing what's missing and the purpose of those?
  12. It worked just fine! Thanks for your support!
  13. Thanks all advices! I will test it out later today! Knuckleharley will absolutely follow your advice. I will disconnect the battery otherwise will my neighbors will remind me :-)
  14. Hi, I want to remove the I need to remove the steering wheel horn on my Dodge 1936. The wheel has a horn push in the middle, which I want to remove without hurt anything. How do remove it? Anyone knowing? Thanks, Magnus
  15. You could go for a 83/4 axle, but they are heavy. They are quite easy to find in Sweden alterativley an axle from a Dakota. Sorry to say but an Volvo axle would be perfect If you won't be racing. This is a good site if you want to compare different engine dimensions http://www.carnut.com/specs/engdim.html you are correct an 318 is a bit wider but Mopar car should have a Mopar engine :-)
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