I was stationed on the Enterprise for a couple of West Pac cruises. Was ther for the end of the Vietnam thing. i have some fond memories of that time in my life. Jim C.
Retired USN 1977 (Avation Machinist Mate-20 years)
Retired local BOE 2005 (Transportation Supervisor-25 years)
Retired S/S 2005
Basically do what I want too, when I want too!
Reminds me of an old commercial on radio
"And she asked me where my Camels were
and I told her they were in my right hand shirt pocket
and she said she would walk a mile for a Camel
and I told her I wish she would and would quit smoking mine."
Most of you are too young to remember that.
Frankie; I downloaded the pictures straight from your post to my photo software program on my computer and printed them from my computer using my ink jet printer and colorfast sew-in ink jet fabric sheets by June Taylor from the local Wal-mart.
My wife "Millie" made this quilt about old cars and route 66 for me to keep in my old car. It turned out to so nice I think I will hang it on the wall in my computer room. There are several actual pictures of my old 48 on it. Most of the ads I downloaded from Frankie 47's post 'Have a nice navy day". Thanks Frankie. I was able to download them at high enough resolution that one can actually read the ads on the quilt. Millie is a retired educator and spends lots of her time quilting. Don't know when we had time to work. Thanks to all of you. I really enjoy browsing the forum.Jim
Bingster, I really like your Desoto. I recently sold a 52 Desoto that I had for 30 years. I still have a 53 Desoto parts car left. Very few usable parts left on it now. I sold the 52 to a forum member so it is in good hands. Selling it was like losing one of the family. Thanks for posting the picture of your car. Jim
Thanks Guys for the input. My wife agrees that I don't need any more trim. Between you guys and "Granny Millie" I have come to believe you all are right. I aquired this car abt. 9 mo. ago in a trade with Lou E. A friend of his painted it. The paint is abf Green(used on 1999 Mack Trucks). A local body shop painted the skirts and visor for me. I am a survivor of Lung Cancer which ended my painting days a few years ago. It does a good job of keeping the sun out of my eyes. The paint shop left a dull finish on the under side so the glare is minimal. Might try to find some amber fog lights at the swap meet this weekend. I really enjoy the forum. I like to look at member profiles and see other members cars and trucks. Too bad not everyone posts pictures of their cars.
Deano, Your car really looks good. I recently put Agape Skirts and Visor on my 48 Dodge.They fit really well. I am going to the old car swap meet in Moultrey GA this weekend. Hope to find some trim to go on the skirts. Jim C.
Picture is of my wife's grandparents. Don't know what kind of car is in the background. Must have been from the 30's. That is how people dressed in rural Georgia back then. My 48 dodge with recent addition of Skirts and Sun Visor. I check out the forum every day and really enjoy it. thanks to all of you.
Retired from USN after 20 years-Retired from local school system after teaching Auto Mechanics for 2 years and 23 years as Transportation Supervisor. Now I try to get out of bed about 8 am every morning wheather the sun is up or not.
I heard a preacher say that after Adam ate the apple God left the Garden of Eden in a "Fury" Since "Fury" is the only car mentioned in the Bible, I figure the least I could do is to name my old plymouth a bibical name so I named her "Jezebel".
Tim. I have a 52 parts car with the winshield still in it. I'm not sure what you want. If I have it you are welcome to it. I live 30 mi. S of Lou. Call me at 912-288-0096. Or let Lou know what you want as I will probably see him Wed. night. I am the one who rebuilt the engine that Lou got for Brian. James C.
Rockwood; I have a 52 Desoto Firedome v/8 and a 53 Desoto firedome v/8 parts car. The Eng. no. on the 52 starts with S-17 and the 53 Eng. no. starts with S-16. The CID IS 276.1 Jim
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