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Mario Loya B1B

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Everything posted by Mario Loya B1B

  1. Dave, I appreciate the detail in your description but would sure like to see a photo of the finished product.
  2. Dave, Check your inbox. I sent you a private message.
  3. Wow Dave, that is a great response. I will look into that further as well as check my king pins. Right now I have a more pressing issue broken dipstick in tube
  4. A few months a go I decided to try JB Welding the broken dipstick. Looked pretty solid and well....you guessed it...just an hour or so ago when I was checking the oil level, only one part of the dipstick came out of the tube. I have been unsuccessful in pulling the broken piece out. In fact I think I might have pushed it in further. My question is how does the dipstick tube detach? Is my only alternative to remove the oil pan? It seems possible that if I remove the drain plug, I may be able to fish it out from there. Also, I am somewhat concerned about maybe some of the JB weld having flaked off. Can that cause serious damage if I run the engine? Would removing the pan be the best solution. I do have a cork gasket that has been needing installation due to a very small but somewhat annoying leak. Suggestions?
  5. I have read that the worm-and-sector type steering gear boxes are adjustible. Is that the case for our trucks? My steering wheel has quite a bit of play in it, could a simple adjustment to the steering box be the solution? I've also come across this list of things to look for. EXCESSIVE PLAY OR LOOSENESS IN STEERING Possible Causes: 1) Front wheel bearings. 2) Steering knuckle bearings are worn. 3) Steering gear or connections are adjusted too loose or are worn. Remedies: 1) Adjust bearings or replace them if worn. 2) Replace bearings. 3) Install new parts as necessary or adjust steering gear.
  6. Phil this might help you. Let me know how you make out. I have had the same issue (fuel gauge reads past full) and just haven't had the time to troubleshoot it.
  7. Like the 2 guys in the Samuel Adam's beer commercial say, "BRILLIANT!"
  8. Dale, did anyone provide you with the part numbers you needed? I am interested in the pitman end you requested a number for. Mine seems to be very loose as pointed out by the tire-place mechanic when I had my tires serviced.
  9. Another perspective --> Crazy Aussies know how to have a good time!
  10. Most of our trucks get the winters off. This would be a good way to break them in in the Spring
  11. Well guys I'm very happy with the result. I tried the paper filter that you used, Norm, but it was a tad too short for mine. The parts guy was more than happy to look through his inventory to find the best fit. The filter I used is a Carquest #88179 for anyone that has a similar type filter housing. It seems to seal quite nicely at the top and the bottom when the wingnut is tightened. Looks pretty darn close to original to me.
  12. Well guys I decided to go the paper element route. I cut her open yesterday and to my surprise the 50+ year old filter element was in very good condition - My hands didn't even get dirty. I will try to fit her for a filter at lunchtime today. Photos to follow. Thanks for everyone's input.
  13. Merle, From the looks of your photos, it seems like the top portion of the canister was cut and it does not rest on the bottom of the resevoir. Is that right? So, the paper element is supporting the top piece. Actually that makes sense - the air has to get in there somehow. My resevoir piece is a little different than yours. I think I might try using some liquid resin or epoxy to level the bottom for a good seal with the bottom of the paper filter.
  14. I knew that was coming! Quite honestly I just want to keep the thing running, so I can enjoy it. And If I had a choice I would have painted the engine silver, but the previous owner saw it differently.
  15. I am not sure what route to take. My truck (as far as I know) is pretty much as close to original as they come. A while ago I decided to keep the 6V electrical for reason of keeping the truck original. So, wouldn't converting to an paper filter be contrary to that logic. As I mentioned earlier, this is a spare air filter. I think I might go ahead and convert it and keep the original one so that I can go back if ever needed. Dave and Norm, I may need to consult you guys. A while ago, there a was a thread asking about what was the best fitting paper filter for our trucks --> here it is I don't think mine is a heavyduty. Does anyone have a part number for one that would work in a '49 1/2 ton? Photos of my engine and spare below
  16. I am in the process reconditioning an oil bath air filter I recently picked up. Our original owners manuals for these trucks recommended soaking the filter in kerosene. Unfortunately I have only been able to find kerosene in 5 gallon containers (much more than I will ever need). I think I remember reading somewhere that other solvents can be used. Gasoline was mentioned. Actually it recommended "white gasoline". What is white gasoline? Can regular unleaded gas be used? And is there a better option than these two?
  17. Finally an eBay transaction that makes mine look like a bargain. I have to say I haven't seen a dodge panel in my parts (not even a rust bucket,let alone one so nice as this one), so I think scarcity and condition had a lot to do with the bid price. Hope the new owner joins the club.
  18. Dutch, she is a beauty! I love the 2-tone paint job. Its nice to have a bigger representation in the Northeast. Once you get it up here and decide to flip it, please give me a call.
  19. Jim, do you recall if the decals from Roberts where vinyl? The supplier on eBay advertises his as not vinyl declas, but the kind you soak in water before applying. Not that I know one is better than the other. Just curious.
  20. Thanks Reg. That seems to be exactly what I need. Another question for anyone that cares to chime in? As I mentioned I am trying to spruce up the oil-bath air filter and the oil cap breather. Has anyone here used the instuction decals sold by Roberts or the ones I so often see listed on eBay? Did these type of decals appear originally on our trucks?
  21. I'm hoping mine runs after putting it in winter storage just a few months ago.
  22. Last night I was in the process of cleaning up a spare oil bath air filter for paint and noticed a small pinhole on the outer wall of the resevoir, well below the fill line. What is the best and easiest way to fill this?
  23. Just came across this on the internet. That is some collection of vintage Euro cars. I find it hard to believe no one knew about them. I guess this is what it would be like if Jay Leno died without friends or family. http://mma.tv/tuf/index.cfm?ac=ListMessages&PID=1&TID=991002&FID=2&pc=27
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