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Mario Loya B1B

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11 Good

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    Finance Related

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  • Interests
    Sports, My Kids, My Truck

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  1. I have good intentions to give my truck to my oldest son when he turns 18 (he is 11 now). He loves the perceived coolness factor of driving a classic truck, but in reality I think it will be a real task for him to drive comfortably. Between the double clutching, no power steering, hand signaling he will have his hands full. It has taken me several years to master the ability to do all this while holding a cup of coffee in my hand. On the bright side- I think it will keep him from texting and driving.
  2. This is about as close as mine gets to being a hauler.
  3. Does anyone know if led turn signal lights are possible in a 6V setup? I know it seems counter intuitive to stay original with the 6V but incorporate LED lights. I'm not religious about keeping the truck entirely original, just trying to minimize the work required.
  4. The driver sure resembles Bernie Madoff. Perhaps that's were some of the billions were spent.
  5. Awesome! I want one!
  6. Yes! The list of CT members continues to grow! Welcome Jeff.
  7. That is awesome! Looks like Clement CA BBQ's are a blast.
  8. I wonder if The Rolling Stone Baker serves capuccino, expresso and gelato in addition to pizza? The Big Green Truck did, but I was to stuffed with pizza to even try it. I'm told this concept (trucks with brickoven's) is common in Europe.
  9. This past weekend my wife and I threw each other a combined 40th birthday party at our house for 70 guests. The real show-stopper of the night was incredibly delicious brickoven pizza of 20+ varieties prepared, cooked and served out of a 1946 International Harvester. The company apparently has 3 of these type trucks and business is so good that they do not advertise and are booked solid throughout the Spring, Summer and early Fall.
  10. Dan, I have not forgotten your advice. The oil doesn't seem thin to the touch but it is black enough to think a change is warranted.
  11. New carburetor float, carb kit, gas filter and spark plugs and she is now running like a top. Without a doubt should experience better gas mileage. Special thanks to George Asche, a real class act, who provided me with the float at a very reasonable price. And most gradifying is getting over my fear of fooling with the carb. After dismantling and re-assembling serveral times I feel like a soldier that can breakdown and reassemble his rifle blindfolded...well maybe not quite that confident.
  12. Congratulations! By the way, I really like the patina on your truck!
  13. ...these radios will have a tendency to scare the cr@p out of you. They (or atleast mine) take a while to warm up. Often after I turn on the radio and no sound is immediately produced I quickly forget I have turned on the radio. Within 20 secs or more, sports talk radio starts blaring from the speaker.
  14. Reg + Mrs. Reg = Match made In Heaven. We should all be so lucky!
  15. Dave, I am in Southwest CT. I really appreciate your offer, but it appears that George Asche may be able to come through with a replacement. I have never been patient so i gave JB Weld a shot. The float has been submerged for close to 24hrs. I'm anxious to see how it holds up. I was a little generous with the stuff, so I am hoping bending the tab would allow me to compensate for the extra weight. This is really just a temporary fix until I have an acceptible replacement in hand. Steve, I did check out the "Carburetor Dr.s" website and they appear to only carry the carb kit for this type of carb (no floats). Jim, I also very much appreciate your offer. From what I been able to find out about your freebie it is somewhat different than my Carter carb but I may come back to you. Thanks to everyone for the comments, offers and advice. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
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