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Papeenun41 last won the day on November 5 2023

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About Papeenun41

  • Birthday 01/26/1974

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  • Biography
    I own a 1941 Plymouth Deluxe. I've always liked older Americanvehicles
  • Occupation
    police officer

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  • Gender
  • Location
    El Paso,Texas
  • Interests
    Antique vehicles
  • My Project Cars
    1941 Plymouth Deluxe


  • Location
    El Paso Texas
  • Interests
    Old. Vehicles

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  1. Picture with top lever remover to show location of adjusting screw.
  2. I was finally able to adjust for all the gears to shift smoothly. It had to do with my transmission shifters and their adjustment. I used wd40 to loosen them since some of the paint I used to paint the transmission might have gotten in and prevented the transmission from properly shifting into reverse and 1st gear. I learned that when I pull the shifter lever towards me to place the transmission in reverse or 1st the shifter actually raises a bit to allow reverse/1st gears to go in. I loosened the bolt that is located right under the top shifter which allowed me to spray with wd40 and the lever gear popped up. I continued to shift into all gears as the vehicle ran and I depressed the clutch. I then road tested and continued to adjust the bottom shifter as needed. I will be posting photos so that people better understand what I am talking about in case anyone ever runs into the issue I had. I would like to thank everyone that took the time to a swer my questions. I appreciate you. My ride is now shifting smoothly and the clutch is as good as new. Thank you!
  3. I checked the mounts and they seem to be okay. I adjusted the shifter a bit and its now shifting. it goes into 2nd and 3rd, but when I put it in reverse it moves forward instead of back. I ran out of day light today, so I'm hoping to get back into it tomorrow, God willing...
  4. Can you please send a picture of the screw you're talking about? Thanks in advance.
  5. Check your motor mounts. I had that issue, and replacing it solved it.
  6. Can you please show a picture of where the PCV was installed?
  7. Completed the new clutch installation, but now I am having issues with what appears to be clutch adjustment. Mli can not shift into gear it sounds like the gears are grinding. I've tried adjusting the clutch but no luck there. Any advise on whatbit might be?
  8. Thank you Everyone it was in fact my T/O bearing. I'm going to end up buying a new kit and replacing it all.
  9. Hello everyone, I am having clutch noise problem when pressing the pedal noise partially stops when the clutch pedal position is all the way up. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. I have a 1941 Plymouth Deluxe.
  10. Disregard. Mission accomplished.
  11. I need help on how to remove the key cylinder from the trunk latch assembly. I'm getting the piece re-chrommed and I need to take it apart. Thank you.
  12. Project completed! It defenetively helped to remove the floor panel. I ended Up cutting a small piece on one of the mount's washer screws, to be able to slide the mount in place. My transmission is now shifting smoothly. My 41 is back on the road! Thank you all for the great advise. I was looking to buy a new transmission before I started my research. Now I can buy other parts for my 41.:-) Thanks again!
  13. Project completed! It defenetively helped to remove the floor panel. I ended Up cutting a small piece on one of the mount's washer screws, to be able to slide the mount in place. My transmission is now shifting smoothly. My 41 is back on the road! Thank you all for the great advise. I was looking to buy a new transmission before I started my research. Now I can buy other parts for my 41.:-) Thanks again!
  14. I'm working on replacing the rear mounts but I'm not able to replace the new ones since I don't have enough space to slide the new mounts. Can someone please assist? Thank you.
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