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Dajudge last won the day on September 19 2013

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  • Interests
    Old cars and radio controlled stuff. Hey its what pays the bills.
  • My Project Cars
    1970 GTO Judge. Bought a 1948 Pilot House to work on with my daughter.

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  • Occupation
    Own a hobby shop

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  1. Thanks, got the heater in today but forgot the hose at home. I will put the hoses on tomorrow. My switch works and my fan come on so that is good. Now to find front wheel cylinder kits somewhere local so I can get her brakes to stop leaking.
  2. Ding, Ding, Ding!!!! I got it now Don! My confusion was that our truck has a hose going from the head to the pump. You just made me realize that that shouldn't be there unless you have a heater. Now it makes total sense. Thank you very much!!
  3. Thanks Don that's what I thought. I guess what I am missing is how does the shut off valve work? I thought you could shut the water off to the heater in the summer time. I don't see how this works when the heater is simply put in between the head and the radiator.
  4. I'm missing something. Does anyone have a good drawing or picture of how to plumb the heater? I think my confusion is that our truck is running the water from the head to the water pump. This is where the water to the heater is supposed to come from. Where did the water to the pump come from originally? Then from the heater back to the pump is it just a "T"? Thanks Andy PS: Knock wood, the truck has been doing great for my daughter, she leaves out at 5:45 am for band every morning. She puts about 15 to 20 miles a day on her old Dodge and it is getting her to and from school fine. Just starting to get a little chilly in the am. She would like a little heat.
  5. It is Atlas Obsolete Motor Parts, in California. They say MoparMall.com is their new site. Atlas Obsolete MOtorPARts, Inc. 41745 Elm Street suite 103 Murrieta, CA 92562 Fax: (951) 461-9220 I'll let you guys know.
  6. I ordered one today. I'll report back when I get it installed.
  7. JBNeal, thank you. Those look like what I need. The price is right too. Until now the only ones I found were in the $250 range for a pair. I'm ordering them in the morning. Thanks
  8. Part two: Are the front and rear the same? I have the 49 as our personal junk yard. Maybe one or both of those are usable.
  9. So in my looking it appears the 48 and 49 pilot house truck's U Joints are made of gold. Is there a good replacement for this? I just need a front as my rear is a Ford and I believe I can find that at Napa. Thanks
  10. $17.50 for the Ford looks like a great way to go. It's a bummer we will loose the little cover though, I can't believe both trucks still had the cover on the lock.
  11. I have the lock in my hand. It is in great shape. I guess I will talk to a lock smith. Randy I'll check out the Ford lock also. Thanks
  12. Cool truck, we've been on the road for a couple of months now. The more we drive it, the more fun it is.
  13. Been working in the truck today ... Passenger door was goofy to open. It would like to lock itself when you shut the door. Just a pain. The guy I bought the truck mentioned that the passage door was a pain. Well, I finally took a look today. I actually had the mechanism out of the 49 and had planned to swap it. Come to find out, the triangle piece was upside down. It only had two small bolts in it instead of the three that should be there. This also caused the locking mechanism to be upside down. Thus when you slam the door, the weight of the handle would lock it. I flipped the triangle right side up and replaced all the bolts with ones from the 49. Door works great now. My problem is I have two good door lock cylinders but no keys. Is it possible to get keys made? I really don't want to spend $100 on NOS just to get a key. Fixed the door, broke the motor. Since I had such success with door I decided to fix my oil leak. I have two loose connectors on the block where the oil goes to the filter. I tried to pull the first hose off and broke the connector. Not a big deal it should be at the auto parts store tomorrow. I was glad it was a modern connector and not some ubber rare 70 year old part. But I did have to push the truck around the garage so that the wife can get her car back in tonight. So, does anyone have experience with having a key made? Thought I would call Roberts in the morning.
  14. Happy Girl!
  15. Thought I would post an update on our 48. My last post was asking about the dreaded overheating. I have rebuilt an original B&B carb off the 49, changed the plugs, removed the point and replaced with electronics. Then, pulled the welsh plugs and dumped a large amount of crud out of the block. Top seemed very clean but it still would get hot. However, if I just ran water on the front of the radiator it would cool right down. So, we pulled the radiator and took it to an old guy here in town. He flushed it and got it cleaned up. I put it back in, warmed up the truck and headed down the road. The temp started climbing... Crap... It hit 190 and then boom cool water from the radiator came in and dropped it 15 degrees almost instantly. The motor climbed back to 182 and just sat there. WOOOOO WHOOOO! I probably put 70 or 80 miles on it last week and it seems happy as can be. Even though Kaitlyn is just 15, it did its first high school duty last weekend. This was a great test also. Band garage sale. I made 5 or 6 trips from storage to the staging area. Start and stop, Start and Stop. Knock on wood, the motor fires right up every time. She even drove us to school one morning. I have the lollipop mirrors taken apart and ready for some paint. They are really cool looking. Next is seat belts, electric wiper conversion and interior. I'm also in the process of cleaning up the gas tank. It has a cool Budweiser Keg for a tank now, but I would like to put the stocker back in. We are going to get her grandfather to build her an old looking crate to sit at the front of the bed. I want it big enough to hold a large cooler. This will serve as waterproof storage for her stuff. I put stuff up pretty often on the trucks facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Kaitlyns49Dodge Almost forgot... The truck's paint job has officially been deemed perfect. In its 1st high school appearance the kids were all over it and I could care less. If it had a fancy paint job I would be so stressed. Kaitlyn and pals are having a great time. That is better than any million dollar paint job
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