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About mboer70

  • Birthday 01/18/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Dyer, IN
  • My Project Cars
    1949 Dodge Wayfarer convertible


  • Location
    Dyer, IN
  • Interests
    49 dodge

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  • Occupation
    project engineer

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  1. I just looked at your profile and saw the other pics of your car, yours is a 49 but I have never seen that taillight set up on one like yours, looks like you have a 1949 coronet taillight package with the wayfarer lights as well. I have attached a pic a 1949 coronet rear end taillights. I wonder if someone added them later or if it was an option back then??? on mine the side rear lights are just the turn signals and the only brake light is the on in the center by the handle.
  2. Hey nice looking car! Got any more pics? is yours a 1950? I noticed your taillights are mounted to the rear fenders. I cant recall seeing one with that style of taillight. I will try and help if I can. I have never had one this age either until I got mine I have had A-body mopars before. sold my 68 convertible Dart so I could buy my 49.
  3. Wayfarer. Thanks for that response, I have not yet determind if I am going with the hemi or not, depends on finances but I would never consider anything but a Mopar engine to go in this car. I hate seeing someone put a shiverlay motor in a Mopar or Ford for that matter. But that's me. to each there own. As far as value and collectability, I agree with you. I do not see how a hemi would hurt the value, with some of these resto mods prices these days it could increase the value, but that doesnt really matter to me, this car is for me and I don't ever plan on selling it I love it to much. When I die my wife can worry about it. I will always keep the original motor and parts if anyone at that time would desire to put it back the way it was. If I go with the hemi I want it done right I am not looking to cut and butcher the car up, if I have to do that then I will keep the flat head in it... pflaming.... You are entitiled to your opinion but your opinion isn't what everyone else has. You love your car stock and I am happy for you. your 53 I am sure will look great and I would never ever think about critizing you for leaving it stock. We are all Mopar fans here no reason to spread hate I can admire both stock and resto mods. I would care to bet that if someone asked what was under the hood and I said a Red Ram Hemi with 3 dueces you would see alot of swooning. now for all the tea in China, well that has got to have a lot of value and I could fill a warehouse full of Mopars if I had all the tea in China, I would make that trade in a heart beat..
  4. I may need to start doing that.
  5. Hey Chance, Thanks, I love it too! I saw this car a few years back it was at an auction but I did not have the money to buy it at the time, I tried to get the guy to trade for me 68 Dodge Dart GT convertible but he wasn't interested, I wanted one ever since. Then this spring the same car came up for auction again so I called the auction place and consigned my Dart, I had to bid on this one first and hoped my car brought what I needed. it all worked out and I got my Wayfarer Convertible.
  6. I dont have the tools to do it myself. I work for a steel rack company we do storage rack for Archive storage so I do the quoting and installation drawings.
  7. I contacted Niel but he does not know of anyone. So I am still looking around. I talked to one hot rod shop and they wanted like $20,000 to rebuild the hemi and trans and put it in my car exhaust and all. to rich for me... LOL
  8. Does anyone know of a machine shop in Northwest Indiana (near Chicago) that is good and fair to rebiuld a flat head or a 241 hemi??
  9. Thanks for all the info!!
  10. Well maybe I can get him down a little on the motor and trans, and I do believe the trans with the hemi is an OD trans. I would want to rebuild the hemi before sticking it in the car but either way I have to rebuild the flathead or the hemi. I'm leaning towrds the hemi, but I will see if will take less.
  11. Well I like the wheels, that is what the guy had on it. They are American Racing wheels. The stock wheels with hub caps he put on his 37 Dodge pickup that he sold at the auction along side the wayfarer so this is all thatI have, I like both ways stock or these. other than the wheels the car is stock.the flat head 6 has a rod knock This guy also has the 241 Hemi that was running when he pulled it out of a '53 dodge wagon, he wants $750 for motor and trans. Think thats a good deal?
  12. Here are a few pics of the new member of the family!
  13. OK The good news is I bought the 1949 Wayfarer Convertible today!!! I am so exicted!!
  14. Thanks for all the help and advice I greatly appreaciate it!
  15. 3.55 is a nice gear I have that in my Dart
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