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Aussie D25

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Everything posted by Aussie D25

  1. What got me while I was on holiday over there was that you guys can have business names or the likes for a licence plates ???... no numbers just a name or a logo. The tour guide on one of our trips explained it but it still seemed so alien to our shores. I was seeing them everywhere thinking to myself WHAT MADNESS IS THIS...it almost broke my concentration as I was screaming up the I5 in my TAHO rental Oh by the way... Bravo America, In and Out burger should hands down be the cure for cancer. I mean those burgers are so damn good I thought I was going to have a food seizure.
  2. OMG this will be the Saturday that I am driving from LA to Vegas on my "belated" Honeymoon I'm going to miss this meet up but compared to Australia I will be soo close. Dammit ... would be so great to meet up with the grand high masters.
  3. Hahaha if ya gunna be Strayan then be the cheapest Strayan out there mate http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Straya
  4. The little missus and I are heading to the US ! That's right people, lock up your garages cause I'm coming to the land of the free ... so I expect all parts for free So after 12 months of marital bliss we decided that if we are going to flee the country, pre kids would be the best time to do this. Heading to LA on the 19th Oct spending a week then driving to Vegas for a week , then over the big apple for a week, back to Frisco for a few days and then home again. My wife Vicky is nuts.... ahem, for theme park rides so as long as I tick off 6 Flags and Knottsberry Farm... I basically get to do what ever else tickles my car loving fancy. So from Bobs Big boy to El Mirage to NHRA finals to everything else in between all seems sorted bar one thing ... Getting in to the SEMA show. Is there anyone on here that is registered with SEMA that can get guest passes that I can pay a princely sum for ??? If anyone knows anyone that can help two Mopar loving tourists out then we would be greatly appreciative.
  5. Well my PC case is set up for Positive air pressure for dispersing heat but I find that it sucks in a lot of dust ... I would assume that a spraybooth set up like this would also run the risk of pushing dust inside the booth and may end up blowing a cross wind accross the car. I am going to try my hand at a negative air pressure set up and see how I go.
  6. the past 12 months has been nothing but crap weather for the eastern half of Oz, If its not flooding up north then its fires down south... Earthquakes accross the ditch in NZ. Around Sydney we have recently beaten a 50 year record for the most amount of rain in 24 hrs ... Its so wet I think my House is slowly making its way down the street off the boat ramp and out to sea. We were cheated out of a summer with about a week of fine weather not to be confused with Hot weather which on the Gold Coast can be comparable with ummm ... Death Valley! and that's before 9am Its like London, wet , bleak and rather cold right now... great weather for respraying a car
  7. Yeah I'll be putting two large filter panels ( mesh frame with some kind of filter wool/fiber) at one end and and another at the other end where the main roller door is. The one I'm putting at the roller door will have a large drum extraction fan sitting on the other side of it sucking the air outwards. I made mention in my vid that I didn't want to spray with a cross wind, what I meant by this was that with the main roller door open and the side entrance door open there is a cross wind that would almost blow the car out of the shed, so only the roller door will be opened so that the extraction fan can do its work. I picked up 10 x 3' fluorescent light boxes at $15 a pop off eBay right around the corner from my in laws (I killed mothers day and picking the lights up with the same stone) So yeah back on topic, yes ventilation will go in. The Wife and ministeress of finance is a nurse so everything is safety first otherwise I don't get the application passed As for needing anything from up north, I'll be right for the moment but I'll let ya know if anything comes up. Dad lives at Junction Hill so the offer is quite convenient
  8. Hi All long time no post, sorry Roller Derby hit Australia and I got sucked right in, but now my knees are stuffed its back to restoration Car is stripped and ready for paint prep...its freezing right now so just getting things ready for the warmer months. Here's what I have been up to. I'll be posting more vids as I go.
  9. Congratulations
  10. Thought I'd shoot through a sample of My wedding. (Yet to get the rest from the Photographers.) Photo Link I rocked the zoot suit. (Air freight from LA) The boys in normal suits but similar. The girls were in hand made 50's style dress's. Vickys dress was amazing and to see her on the day made me cry a few times. The cars: Girls: 1954 Cadillac Super Stretch Limousine The Boys: 1970 Cadillac Rag Top Parents and Getaway Car: 1959 Holden FC Special Sedan I pushed so hard to get my D25 done but planning and paying for a wedding and restoring a car are a "one or the other" type of ventures. I have a friend getting married on 12/12/12 much to the tune of my 11/11/11 so I have another 12 months to get it done.
  11. JustCars is the Australian version of the US "AutaBuy" magazine maybe not as thick though. We also have a prestige trader mag "Unique Cars" which features higher end restos, rods and exotics along with historical stories such as the one you linked. Unique Cars magazin served as a classic car restorers bible pre 1994 when the internet was introduced via netscape.
  12. DUDE!, Please post every thing that you do! down to measuments, tools used, a billion photos from every conceivable angle...you get the idea. I have never rebuilt an engine and picked up a "parts" engine that I hope to learn on without wrecking the one that actually goes... cause I is smarts. I figure if I can get that one right I can put it in my hudson and then go about doing an even better job on my D25... 37 Terraplane parts are like unicorn poop here in Australia so I'm just going to yank out the original motor and sell it off to funds the rest of the build. POST EVERYTHING!
  13. Not much to look at but getting there ... made more progress on it in the last 6 weeks than I have in the last 6 years. Sadly she wont be ready for our wedding. And my next project... "Old Humpy"
  14. As requested here are some more photos from today. So after a bit of patience... a lot of cursing and even more faffing about the cover on the front seat lower cushion has been mocked up. The singer has worked a dream, however it gets a bit cranky when you try to push to many layers of vinyl through dropping stitches and bunching the thread here and there... I still need to add the thick padding, the tufting buttons in the X-sections and fasten the whole thing down with tacks and hog rings ... but you get the idea. It may look pretty on this side, but my first ever attempt at automotive upholstery is well hidden on the other side ... thankfully (0_o) There is still a strip of what used to be hessian that finished off the back part of the seat, I am substituting this out for some black vinyl... The sides and corners had a piping strip around it but just getting those curve right angle joins done was a nightmare... my hat is well and truly tipped to those craftsmen and women that knocked these seats up as their daily source of income. You want glitter ... here come get some! When the natural sunlight hits this stuff it lights up and looks killer...
  15. Long time no post ... Ive been consumed by the fast growing sport of Womens Flat Track Roller Derby and having a great time skating around as a Referee (the guys have to do something while the girls duke it out) I've been furiously trying to get materials together to re upholster my D25 things got off to a very slow start but I am starting to get traction with assembly. the best feeling is knowing that I am doing it all myself. Its really not that hard, for those that spend more time staring at what needs to be done that actually doing it I have one word for you... YOUTUBE! you can learn to do just about anything from youtube. I am currently sewing my seat covers, I learned how to do this from watching youtube videos (advice; use the exact same pattern they used for your first ever attempt and you can't go wrong) For those that doubt their abilities, YOU CAN DO IT! all you need to do is try. I have no skills in classic auto restoration but I know how to use a computer. This is what me and a sewing machine made in 1887 created today. If you said "wow that's, bright red glitter vinyl", then you would be absolutely correct, to go with the high gloss black that will make up the rest of the interior trim. (not everyone's cup of tea but I think it ROCKS!) I'll post more when I've got a full seat done. Cheerio...
  16. Standing ovation, well done sir
  17. You guys are legends ... lots of love for this group. I unraveled the harness today ... most of the wire looks good but the ends that have been "non-tapped" are shot to pieces. Can't wait to get the new braided cabling ... I'll post some pics soon ... some one ahs been busy in the shed Thanks again
  18. Could it be a heavily customised 50's Vauxhall?
  19. Hi All, I have been trolling the Search field for a few nights now and finding a lot of useful stuff but nothing that really answers my question. As we all know the wiring diagram for the P15-D24 is devoid of any gauge listings for each wire. Its the same case for the Aussie D25 service manual as well. I see that there are similarities between the 46-48 and later models in wire colour and what it is connected to ... however to a certain point. I noticed that not all wires lead to the same switches and connectors thus raising the question of how transferable is the gauge listings between models. I have set about mapping this for myself and all other users with a colour coded wiring diagram with included gauge (and possibly amperage ratings). But before I do... I wanted to know if some one has already gone to the trouble, logic would prevail and advise not to waste time re inventing the wheel so if anyone has it even a rough copy I'd be most appreciative. - Michael
  20. Hi All, Justa quick question, Has anyone bough a headliner off this eBay store? Are they any good? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PLYMOUTH-4-DOOR-HEADLINER-1941-1942-1946-1948-1949-52-/310322685819?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4840ac677b I was wondering if anyone has had any issues and most importantly if the headliner for a P15 Sedan would fit a D25 Sedan? Any feedabck would be great. Cheers- Michael
  21. Oh ... they're called door checks .. that would have greatly helped my search before... it looks like i may have to cotter punch the connecting bolt as it has been hammered so that it wont undo either way...
  22. Oh great Mopar gods please lay your wisdom upon my grateful crown... I am in full swing for stripping back the car... 2 weeks annual leave and its skates on to at least get her primed for paint. My conundrum at hand is that the pins inside the door stays seem to be a permanent "rivet" type situation rather than a bendable cotter pin or nut and bolt/C-clip. I have looked inside the door itself and cant see anywhere for this to be unbolted from the door, is there another way of removing this away from the car body? I can see that the arm disappears into the door jam yet thought id ask of suggestions before pulling the inside quarter panel trim away. My goal is to be able to take the door off. The outside hinge pins were no problem but the door is still attached via the stay arm. Any advice would be great as neither shop or parts manual have a solution. http://forums.pelicanparts.com/uploads13/Door_Stay_Pin11796132451210976993.jpg
  23. All there... fenders, interior spare gear box. Stored in a shed on a farm in the central west so zero serious rust... no dents at all. Will require a bit of work obviously but the engine has good compression, the breaks are shot, the glass is all there but the rear right window is cracked. Closest I could find on offer was one all together in marginally better nick unregistered for $12,800 Still woking on the dodge , this is a bargain not a distraction.
  24. Not the best shot from this angle yet a local bloke from Newcastle runs a 29 roadster with all mannor of hop ups however agreed that the headers would still cover much of the valve covers. I am very keen on finding out more info on Georges triple manifold though if any one has any ? Price/Availability?
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