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Everything posted by gramps1951

  1. the shackles were 41.00 each .
  2. got them at roberts motor parts they were 13.00 each
  3. i I had to use a torch and heat up the spring and use an air chissel and knock it out from the other side thru the hole on the other side had to get a new pin .
  4. I am looking for a new king pin cap one of mine fell off any heads up where I can find one or two thanks. Neil
  5. my new front springs came with the bushings already pressed in.
  6. it can get stuck in any location I would think some of these senders must work but not mine I drive with a full tank till I get around to put my other sender back in. Neil
  7. about 6 months ago I pulled the bed of my 1951 b3b cleaned up the frame and installed a new gas tank from tanks inc with a new sending unit from them also. I tested the sending unit before installing in the tank all seemed good and the fit of the tank was perfect . Later on I was haveing a problem with my truck running when parked it ran great but when put in gear it would shut right down. I checked fuel pressure and it was good. I pulled the fuel line off and cranked the motor and got good flow. thought I might have an electric short some place tested all kinds of things. This is what was going on my fuel sender was stuck it showed just over a 1/4 of a tank there was just enough fuel in the tank when on level ground to run the truck but when put in gear the gas would go to the back of the tank and starve the motor it seems so easy to figure out when you know what is happening back then not so . very cheap sending unit when i got it new and compared it to my old one the old one looked much better made I will be putting my old one back in . When I fill the tank it still shows not full unless I hit a good bump which make the sender show the right level. I soldered all my conections and used shrink tubeing I do not belive that this is a bad wireing job by me but I will check just in case. I am telling this story because of all the sending unit problems I have been reading. Neil
  8. I am with you on this one wish someone would make a video on repairing these hint hint.
  9. I have that tank in my truck when filling with gas I have to go real slow or she will spit it back at me anyone else with this problem. Nice tank for the price tho.
  10. laminated glass is two layers of glass with a flexable plastic layer in the middle to hold it to gather the only tempered glass in the 1948 to 1953 dodge trucks that I know about were the cab corner windows.
  11. was it very costly for them to make you one tempered window for your truck?
  12. yes instead of holding glass from outside and pulling the rope on the inside it is the other way around.
  13. pull the rope from the outside on b3b type dodge
  14. I have torches and a mig if you dont know what you are doing you can burn thru with a mig or a torch. Most people choose a mig for sheet metal repair on cars a rookie is more less likely to warp the sheet metal with a mig. go to a body shop and watch what tool they use most . I worked 24 years in body shops doing auto glass repair and watched the experts do lots of repairs over the years did I ever see a body man use a torch to weld sheet metal yes I did but very rarely and you know the shop had torches but they chose the mig..
  15. most would use a mig welder hobart makes a good low cost welder. make sure when miging that your metal is sanded or ground to a shine finnish your weld will be much better and your mig should be an argon mig I think you will like it better than a non argon mig. go on you tube and watch some videos on patch panel repair and you will get an idear if you feel you are up to it. A floor is a good place to start to learn because most of what you do will not be seen. Thats my two cents worth others I am sure have some good input too. Neil
  16. I have been real happy with my 904 never one problem ever.
  17. I have new springs and shackles and shocks and king pins and tie rods and disc brakes and new tires and everything else that moves the engine is not the weak part of the chain. If I had been in an accident I would be dead meat goes great in a straight line just don't take a corner too fast. I like to see what the limits are I have slammed on my brakes when no one was around to see how fast she can stop too. Its good to have an idear what these trucks can and can't do. I do not make a habet of going 80 the wind noise is something else.
  18. My 258 won't do burnouts but i have taken the truck up to 80 miles an hour and thats plenty fast for a b3b stock suspenion .
  19. I have an amc 258 engine with a chrysler 904 trans had to move the radiator forward about 4 inches no cutting of the firewall and I love that engine and the 904 is like a baby 727 strong enough for the six and much lighter. works good in a b3b and to me it looks a little more right than a v8 in there. good torque but no race car. Check with the jeep guys and you will see how much they are loved. Neil
  20. thanks so I thought From what I had heard it was some bad stuff if breathed in. Neil
  21. I do not belive that you can buy centari paint anymore but if I am wrong that would be great news if it can be had please tell me where . Thanks Neil
  22. I throw my canoe on the back of the truck so it's left by it's self some times down dirt roads where it could be messed with. I brought my truck to a car show this past summer when I got back to my truck I found a women in my truck takeing pictures and did't want to get out finnally I got her out. the truck was not locked because the lock cylinder was broken it has since been replaced. More than anything it would give me some peace of mind I know what ever I do if someone wants to bad enough they can get past any lock. I have even been thinking of having some kind of tracking device installed has anyone gone that far? I have had my truck since 1992 and it means more to me than it's cash value. Neil
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