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gramps1951 last won the day on November 18 2013

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24 Excellent

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    old guns old people and old cars and trucks
  • My Project Cars
    1951 dodge b3b it has a amc 258 6 cyl. and amc 707 trans and ford 9inch rear end

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  • Biography
    i have owned my 1951 dodge pickup for 19 years
  • Occupation
    bug man


  • Location
    willow springs nc
  • Interests
    old cars

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  1. I wonder why they thought that they needed a fresh air intake when they all had the pop up vent in front of the windshield. I must be missing something.
  2. I have had the rusty hope kit for about 3 years very happy with the kit and was easy to install I had to cut off about half inch on both tie rod ends no big deal to make up for the thickness of the caliper mounting plate to get frontend to line up. Neil
  3. I have been stock piling old new stock usa blue streak parts off ebay for my 1974 amc 258 I have more caps and rotors and such than I will live long enough to use. It gives me a nice warm feeling looking at those old boxes with new parts in them some I paid less for than if I had just gone to auto zone.
  4. now it let me go figure
  5. now it will not let me post the picture of the old radio it says my file is too big bummer.
  6. I wanted to have old style radio with newer sound I had a old computer case that i used part of and mounted my cd player in the glove box and added xtra power source and painted to match the dash. I got and old dodge radio off ebay put a 12 volt to 6 volt reducer and wired up the lights so it would look like it was on than I got a sheet of 12x12 polished stainless to make the radio bezel . Now I have bluetooth and at night it looks like it is coming out of the old radio hope you like. Neil
  7. sorry about the prior post I had a hard time posting pictures here I didn't think it would be so easy. I'll take some pictures of my 1951 b3b with the amc 258 for those who want to see it thought I had to use photo bucket or some other software. Neil
  8. lots of guys here and myself used pour15
  9. I never even thought you could get new worm gears. I was all set on putting in power steering . If rebuilt with all new parts and adjusted right is there any play in steering box. In other words should there be some play at the wheel? Thanks Neil
  10. can you let us about this kit and where you got it
  11. can you still find steering box parts and if so where. love to get mine tighter
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