Just got back home from Winnipeg. Even though this was a business trip it felt like a vacation . We has such a great time fishing. The lake was about a 2 hour drive from the hotel. Our boat only caught a total of 6 fish (I caught 4),some had over 30 . Below are some pics of the fishing trip. The last pics I think you guys are really going to like. We were about to get on the boats to go to the mainland, then one of the guys that was on the trip was calling for me to go and look at something he saw. We ran back up the trail and there she was. I snapped some shots as quickly as I could (because the boats were leaving) wish I had more time to study it. We ran back down the trail and the boats were already off the dock heading back:eek: We yelled and one boat turned around,LoL. What a way to end the trip,it was GREAT! Thanks again Rockwood for taking the time to meet up with me.