Just wondering if anyone has successfully adapted an aftermarket more modern radiator to a 1940 car. This is assuming all 1940 mopar cars use the same radiator design.
I took my original one to a shop and the price they quoted was pretty steep. Ive never researched this topic before as I simply assumed I can get it fixed for no more than $200 if needed.
As I began researching this week Ive realized that most aftermarket radiators, even thought most dimensions are correct, do not have the overlapping top tank in order for the filler neck to clear the radiator mouting bracket at the top.
What other years have this same overlapping tank design?
About 4 years ago I ran my old engine with this radiator and didnt notice any water leaking but did notice a small coolant stain towards the bottom area of the honeycombs.
Heres what the shop offered and stated;
the radiator has a honeycomb 3 row style that they will replace with a vertical, 4 row core, add a bottom return tube made out of brass (the existing one is about 1/2 corroded)
make a pressurized system.