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  1. Sweet cab/fenders for an off road truck, with the big wheel openings etc.. Cool for sure:cool:
  2. Door lock and key I had to cut the door lock off of my 49 b1b. There was a key broken off in it. Anyone have a lead on one? I might need any related hardware to install it too. Thanks
  3. very nice rig
  4. It's more likely that lowering the rear will bring the angles back to where they should be, instead of making them worse. Caster will be improved, thus high speed handling waaaaay better. My crown vic suspension giuves me 5 degrees of caster on my ph. That's with a pretty good rake already
  5. It does look awesome. I like little changes that make the trucks make more sense. It takes the truck in a different direction.
  6. The Mercury trucks were to Ford, as Fargo's were to dodge. You could get them up here, but not down there. A local dude just brought home a 57 mercury 1/2 ton. It's pretty cool.
  7. 9k is a pipe dream. I think it would be hard to find someone with 4K in hand, who was/is willing to buy it. That guy is out there somewhere, but you gotta find him.
  8. It would seem I've missed that there was such a thing...lol I've never seen one first hand, and just never noticed in the pics. I thought the taller box was the big deal with these things at the time.
  9. Not the right box on that truck.
  10. Very interesting the combinations of parts that get pout together over the years! Cool truck!
  11. I see your in ottawa now. I lived in pickering till i was 9. Still have family around there. Also in Bath, and Cobourg.
  12. 440 eh? There's no replacement for displacement.
  13. I love that quote too...lol As for the coast, I am in Carstairs (just north of Calgary) It's about 12hours to vancouver area, so that's where we went. Wife's cousin lives in white rock. We have some friends in Abbotsford, and the race event we went to, was in Mission. All about an hour radius of each other.
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