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Al B. Bach

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Everything posted by Al B. Bach

  1. This may be simple but I know that is the idle is set too low then mine will stall when you let the clutch out. How's your idle?
  2. We attended the 4th annual Orpheum car show today and had a blast. This was our second car show this year and we have shows planned for almost every weekend until the end of the season. This was a cold and wet one but it was still fun even though we got there late and didn't get the best spot. While wandering around photographing cars I spotted the prettiest gal all decked out in period clothes. I though it would be great to get a photo of the old Chrysler with her so when I spotted her again heading out I had to chase her down and ask. She was a real sweetheart and said she'd be happy to pose with the old girl. I wanted to get several shots with her but when she took off her jacket I really felt sorry for her because it was really chilly with the wind whistling around the buildings so I just grabbed a couple shots and let her get warm again. Her name was Briley Meek and if you Google her you can find more shots of her. It turns out that she always dresses like this and it's just who she is. We are trying to plan out a car show for next year and I would love to get her and some more pin-up models to pose with the cars. Maybe make up a calender to give away to the top cars and sell to others. Anyway, I have posted all the photos I shot on photobucket so check them out and enjoy. http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/n001pa/4th%20Annual%20Orpheum%20Car%20Show/
  3. I know that with the Ford big sixes (240 and 300) dual exhaust and either dual carbs or a 4bbl can take a half ton truck from around 16 to 20 all the way to 25+. The way it was explained to me is that the engine has to work less to produce the same power and therefor less gas and a happier engine. Of course that's only as long as you have the self disipline to keep your foot out of it. We have a guy locally that has dyno'ed his truck at over 450HP and yet still gets 28mpg on the highway. Just like the flat sixes in our MOPARs, the big Ford sixes are great engines.
  4. Finding someone to do cad plating is not too hard because 95% of all the metal used in aircraft construction is cad plated. Taking the cad plating off while deburring is the most common mistake many sheetmetal mechanics make causing parts to corode faster. I even found one place that has a home cad plating kit. Obviously it's not real cad plating like you got done but it looks pretty good. http://www.caswellplating.com/kits/zinc.htm Please keep the vids coming because I'm getting a lot of useful tips fom them. Later, Carl
  5. Did you get them installed? I'd really like to see how they look and know what you think of them.
  6. I like em all but this is COOL!
  7. I'm actually fighting this same problem with mine right now. I rebuilt the carb and had to adjust the float because the new needle was a bit longer than the old one. Took it out today and some times I have to pump it to start and at other times I had to floor it like it was flooded. It really had me confused until I read this. I'm going to pull the top off again and bend the retainer to see if that helps. It could be that the float is moving around in there because the retainer is moving causing the different starting procedures.
  8. I remember years ago that Kansas used to be ranked number one for best roads. Of course that shouldn't be a surprise because our state animal is the saw horse, state color is orange and our state sign is "men at work". Seriously, you can't go more than 30 to 50 miles without hitting another construction zone! Besides taxes, that's the real price to pay for good roads.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. As long as one of the carbs has the dash pot and all the wires are still hooked to it, I don't see how the transmission would care if there is another carb. I may end up trying it before you do:D I guess I could be your guinea pig and see if it works. Good luck with the new home purchase! Carl
  10. I understand wanting some more power but I also agree with Randy. I would just enjoy the car and maybe look at some upgrades next winter if you still think it needs it. That's what I am doing with the 265 in my Windsor. I hope to put Moose's dual carb and exhaust in mine next winter but I am doing it more for the mileage increase and better breathing qualities that come hand in hand with a better carb and exhaust. I have to wait to see if his setup works with a semi-auto first though. How about it Moose? Any luck finding out if the dual carbs are going to be okay with the semi-auto?
  11. That's pretty cool! Makes a good art print!
  12. Thanks Gregg! I am getting ready to rebuild mine and this will be a big help. One question though, is the tool really needed when removing and installing the main vent tube? The only experience I have with carb rebuilding is on mowers and my Whizzer, and they are a lot simpler than these. Thanks, Carl
  13. Very cool write up! I was a composite tech before I got laid off so this would be an easy project for me. I just never really thought about it even though my car runs pretty warm as well. This is now certainly on the to-do list.
  14. I got bored and did some more playing around with some photos. What do you think?
  15. I wish we had more stable weather. They say if you don't like the weather in Kansas, just wait 5 minutes and it'll change. They aren't kidding! Firday we barely got above 40 degrees with rain and 40 to 50 mph winds all day and yesterday it got well into the 70's and was beautifull. It is very dry here and there is always a field burning within sight. Even though we have burn warnings, it doesn't stop a lot of the farmers from burning off their fields. I went to Winfield last week and drove by a field with a bunch of cattle in it then about 15 minutes later came back by it again and it was completely burned off with the cattle all crowded into a pond to escape it. I think that one was probably an accident but it's scary just how fast it burned, a 1 mile section in less than 15 minutes! The big danger around here is the wind. Right now it's blowing at 30 to 40 mph and that is pretty normal.
  16. I sure would like to but at just over 1600 miles it's just a bit too far for me. I actually talked to the president of the WPC club last week about setting up a region here in Kansas. It seems strange to me that Walter P. Chrysler's home state isn't represented by the WPC club?! He tells me that all I need is to get 9 other people to sign a petition and we can have our own region. There is a big following for MOPARs around here so Ithink I can do this. I would love to see the national meet come to Ellis (Chryslers hometown) some day. Anyone that's gone to one of the national events in the past, can you tell me about what kind of turn-out they get? It looks like St. Johnsbury, Vermont is about three time the size of Ellis but, Hays (which is only 13 miles from Ellis) is over 20,000 people so maybe it could still work. Have the show in Hays and having a cruise to Chrysler's home and museum in Ellis could be a lot of fun. I'm just dreaming about the future and researching so I could maybe pitch the idea to the WPC club. Later, Carl
  17. Gregg, Nope. No hardware (if by hardware you mean awards). That's okay because I am certainly not into this for the awards. Besides, the only award the Old Girl would be eligible for would be for originals and we were beat there by a very nice 55 olds that only had a little over 8,000 miles on it and has been stored for most of it's life. Bob, Your the first one to guess the wheel covers correct! The stock covers are not in the greatest shape and quite boring to look at anyway so I swaped these out. I had been showing a 67 Galaxie with them on it but the Galaxie has been parked due to some engine problems and high gas prices. People always liked them on the Galaxie so I fuigured "what the heck". I think they look good on the Chrysler. Poor things will probably never see another Buick.
  18. We entered our first car show with the Old Girl today! It was the Inaugural Classic and Custom Car Show in Derby Kansas. 118 cars showed up which was a lot better than expected considering the Street Rod Nationals are in being held not far away in Oklahoma this weekend. Had a great time and met a lot of great people! As you can see, we had a perfect neighbor! 1952 Dodge Coronet. It was pure luck he was the next in the gate to park next to us. Worked out great because all day we had people asking what the engine was and I could just tell them to look at his because ours looks much better with the hood closed. No need to show off how much oil we are dumping on the ground! LOL! I have uploaded all the photos I took at the show to Photobucket. http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/n001pa/Inaugural%20Classic%20and%20Custom%20Car%20Show/?start=all Later, Carl
  19. 265 was the big 6 used in Chryslers. A fas as I know, it's the same block as the other MOPAR long 6's. I thought it was used in the Desotos as well but Don is MUCH more knowledgable than me so I would defere to him.
  20. I used to read Hot Rod years ago but I got sick and tired of the content. Sure, every now and then they cover a cool car and maybe a decent tech article but I just got fed up with all the Chevys! You've seen one 60's Camaro and you've pretty much seen them all. For the rare occasion that they have another make it's almost always a Mustang or a Mopar muscle car. Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but where's the cool business coupes or the shoe box's and other more unique cars and trucks?
  21. I measured from inside the bell.
  22. I just measured mine and it's 16 3/4" fully seated. This is with a 53 264.5 in a Chrysler Windsor. Did the Desoto's get the same big 6 as the Chryslers in 53?
  23. Looking forward to how they work out! I am thinking the same tires for my 53 but it will probably have to wait until this winter. Keep us posted. Carl
  24. You beat me to it Gregg. I usedthe same techniques as you with great results.
  25. It's something Gregg told me about in a PM. When you have old paint that is getting thin and oxidized you can use Bon Ami to remove the oxiditation without fear of removing the paint. If I had used normal rubbing compound I gaurantee I would have stripped most of the paint from the hood. You can get Bon Ami at a lot of places. I picked it up from a local True Value. Just wet the car down and sprinkle it on. Then rub it in and rinse it off. Works great as long as you rinse it thourghly. If you leave any on it then it will show but it's pretty easy to rinse off. I have not tried it on glass. I have been using either Knipps glass cleaner or wax for many years to clean glass. I didn't have any Knipps on hand so I did all the glass with wax. Works great and acts like Rain X when it rains. I used to be a detail tech at a local Buick dealership so I m generally pretty good at detailing cars but I had never heard of Bon Ami before I came here. It sure would have been useful back then. Later, Carl
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