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Joel Torres

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Everything posted by Joel Torres

  1. ok after careful study of jeff work ( rocker repair )http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=2692&highlight=rockers i am going to do it slightly different but same outcome first i figured how to and where to weld 1"x1" square tube inside the c pillar by making a temporary door at the inner rear fender wall also slide a 2"x2" tube inside the b pillar from the bottom drill holes on side of b pillar and plug weld and i think 1"x! for the a pillar (still working on that idea) NOW you ask why im doing this i am going to take a 2"x2" tube and run it as the rocker then plug weld a 1/2" thick by 3" wide flat stock on the outer side of the tube so the molding can reattach i will show photos to explain idea ok first pic is a 1"x1" showing where the 2" tube is going once welded in i will have the gap where the rocker chrome molding goes that is where the flat stock comes in the 2nd and 3rd pic is how it attaches to the b and c pillars 4th pic show one of the 1" tubes connecting the c pillar to new rocker this is extra i feel safer than just weld to the body skin i want to make it super strong ( new york city has the worst pot holes lol:D ) and to those who want to see all the pics you can find them here http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v134/alphastrikefx/
  2. to those who don't know me im joel been here and previous forum 7+ years now all i can say is you guys are so lucky to be able to have these memories i grew up on the other side of the spectrum my parents divorced when i was 2yrs old and he never came back once growing up i had always like old cars and got my green 47 when i was 14 by doing stuff lil jobs for people cleanup ect.. i always wish i had a dad to do things with and i would look at my friends who hated or didn't get along with there dads and say if they only knew what i wish i had when i joined this forum a long time ago it was like getting a bunch of uncles who lived far away i read every single post for a long time sometimes twice downloading everything they shared in my head i know i dont say it often but i truly have a respect for the guys here that i dont give to anyone else im sorry to hear about you losses but i wouldn't consider it a loss more like a gift to be a chip of an old block and be able to be reminded of him by a tool he owned. sheading a tear at those moments i think is all the respect and love you have for him and knowing he had the same and more for you i hope to have that bond with my 3 yr old boy he already gets my tools out of the box for me. i would be honored that he would feel the same way about me as you do for your dad my life would have a purpose i hope im not sounding out of place
  3. one problem i noticed with my digital camera (you might have to get the book for it) was it was set to make BIG photos lots of pixels i had to tone it down in size now its perfect, could this be the culprit? you can use this free web site http://www.picresize.com/
  4. reason i asked is its long distance plus harry u pull it is modern car but they had classics but then they moved them a year ago i think behind the fence so noone can take stuff off maybe these guys have classics in the back or something they are not that far away from harrys 3 hr drive for me
  5. do they have classics? http://www.wehavecars.com/
  6. i could use the hubcaps and fender lights for my packard if you wont need them when you redo it bumpers
  7. im in the sign business and we send glass in big wooden crates lots of padding if this glass is done right it could be tossed around in the crate but you willl pay for weight i think anyone who makes vintage glass knows how to ship it or his business would only be locals who walk in and carry out i would call the guy he referenced thats my $.02 in the pot
  8. yup she is a p15 48 and yeah it can run again heck i brought it back to life from a looooooong slumber and was driving the chassis up and down the block (no brakes) the cops thought it was a tractor of some sort lol i took my wifes bench in the back yard and clamped it down me and my buddy looked like two idiots on a daily drive trans is a 3 speed heres the link to my album it is under black 47 plymouth http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v134/alphastrikefx/
  9. b/o on my spare chassis it has been sand blasted and coated in por15 has motor,trans,drive shaft,rear intact and has factory rims crappy tires trans works motor was running and when refreshed it i was driving chassis around without body i havn't started motor in 8 months thermostat housing cracked in the winter ?????it had antifreeze but must of had water at top i don't know in the pic it is super dusty as i was blowing leaves around the yard and uncovered it to get the crap from around it
  10. well i like em {the tires} the rims i wouldn't use but hey that's what makes us all different heck i know for a fact allot of people hate my jeep but it makes me feel like one of those bikers that pull up next to a normal guy at a red light i get the dirty looks like im a lowlife and i should be taken off the road but i live my life for me not even my wife can tell me what to do those tires would look hot on a 300m
  11. greetings fron long island whats up guys i know i have been away for awhile hope i didnt miss much hello to any new guys i havn't met still working on the car im stuck on the rockers still
  12. well good news and bad news the black plymouth i have been trimming and fitting onto my new chassis is not going to be used to finishmy project good news is im going to do the rocker repair on my orig green plymouth as it is not as bad as i thought i am using the black plymouth to measure and make pieces from and will transplant the green body onto the new chassis the reason for doing this is my green plymouth has never been removed so she is sitting right where i want it nice and straight the other one has been lifted more times then i can remember but im glad cause i can install rockers and do the neccesary cutting and supports in the trunk and not have to worry about twisting the body once im done i should be able to put her on a rotissory i dont know what i will do with the black car and orig chassis once im done ok i ordered the metal you used and but i am first going to take my 1"x1" squrae tube to get the shape of the rocker becuase my car has a curve your car looks straight 2 dr/4dr differance i guess once i get it perfect with a couple of slices and bending i will do the same to the 2x3 and 1/2 flat stock il weld those two together i also want to slide some sort of square tube into the pillares and kinda weld them inplace to stick down and touch the rocker beam and attahc the rocker to the floor supports like you did to bad its starting to get cold
  13. i lost the photos of the rocers that where fixed with squre tube can you please post one more time i am about to repair the body structure and rockers and do a final fitment of the body on the new chassis hope evryone is doing well and happpy holidays
  14. 76 was my first true love in the summer of 94
  15. cutting springs and lowering block is the safest way to go air bags suspension is the best for a caddy ride with the switch to go back to stock for driveway and lay her down when its time to hang out oh im not a vato but i look like one sometimes my friend just put that on the pic
  16. so far not allot has happened as im still stuck on rocker panels this car had allot of rust on the rockers and lower section's of the pillars http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v134/alphastrikefx/project%2047%20black%20plymouth/ so far i made a new rocker boxed construction that almost is a duplicate in shape as orig its made of thinner gauge then factory because im playing around with it trimming here and there and messed it up so im on the second test sample now once im happy and comfortable i will try to make one that can be a direct replacement but its so frustrating trying to do this all by yourself i have also been keeping busy at the fire house learning allot of stuff the rockers are the last major part of my build then i can move onto the rest so i haven't given up:cool: i am just hitting allot of speed bumps right now:eek: my wife car blew a rod picked up another car but have to wait for title water heater blew up so its been a fun week oh i think im going to sell the orig rolling chassis as i don't think i need it for reference measurements anymore
  17. actually can't do directv anymore they fixed it but if someone knew what they where doing the could convince there dishnetwork to be more friendly or buy i speacial freeto air box point the dish to the canadian sat (3 degrees away from directv's bird and watch what they watch ehhh but i dont know anything about this
  18. hey allen its not that hard with my chassis swap i picked g-body frame because its so easy to play with im having more of a hard time making the dam rocker panels from scratch then stripping both cars cutting chassis and extending it.this is whats slowing me down i did have to make some cuts in the trunk floor pan but once i weld that up and carpet no one will know to bolt the body to the chassis i simply use the monte's original mounting holes and new body bushings i will weld a reinforcement plate's in the areas the bolts pass thru the body and im done with mounting issues i did most of this work in only 3-4 weeks by myself if you have myspce my donor car was $600 thats the price of disk brake kit alone i have v6 auto trans 12v the entire car except sheet metal will be in my plymouth if i have to goto mechanic the can plug into my computer and fix her hope i helped ya
  19. hey shel what service directv or dish network if you have directv do you have HD? if so i can help you out with a box
  20. 80 caprice i had one but had v8 police special so i sold it and got the monte ifi could get a hybrid that was t-boned i would try that next muuhhh hahahahah:D
  21. yes sir v6 fuel injected a/c disk brakes mechanically everything will be monte can't wait to take it to a shop and have them go under it i should hear what the heck is this i have the photos from several members here who have shared there way of making body mounts and rockers i just need to put it all together and figure how im going to attack this next step i have access to a sheet metal shop with bending and cutting machines but i dont know where to begin im a little stress i think the trunk area is easy but rockers will take some serious planning i also have the montes gas tank i will have to hang in the back i did not keep the a/c condensor mounted on the monte's firewall becuase it was too big i will have to find a small car and see if i can use that one i might be going to harry's you pull it in west hazelton p.a. sunday morning
  22. would help if i posted the link duh!!!!!!! http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v134/alphastrikefx/project%2047%20black%20plymouth/
  23. i have an old gokart frame that had that same style body but the body was so bad i threw it away the chassis sits less then a inch off the ground i still have it in the shed i believe gokart racing was huge here on long island
  24. i have been very busy boy i joined the volunteer fire dept ( life long dream) ok so i posted the pictures but they are not in perfect order but you will see i removed old chassis ( put it to the side ) removed the electrical from monte removed body from monte test fit plymouth onto short chassis cut and extended monte's chassis cut in trunk area so plymouth can sit on new chassis firmly next i have to start putting in floor and new body mounts and structure once thats done will redo the chassis and motor and assemble everything
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