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p15-1948 last won the day on January 26 2024

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41 Excellent

About p15-1948

  • Birthday December 9

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ottawa, Kansas
  • Interests
    My 49 P18 club sedan and 65 Rambler Marlin grand daughter's future car :)
  • My Project Cars
    p15 (sold it) now a P18 moving on up!

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  • Biography
    old guy
  • Occupation
    retired 38 years Goodyear 11 Clorox


  • Location
    ottawa, ks
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  1. I wonder if the new setup is still too rich?
  2. My 49 has on lower control arms the same type of zerk, look to be pressed in.
  3. Tearing a 55 Plymouth 230 down and it has an 8 bolt flywheel and a stick shift behind it.
  4. Welcome, nice ride!
  5. I got a complete setup from a 54 Plymouth. The kickdown switch was bad. I got a replacement from Parts: Borg-Warner Overdrive Parts | Fifth Avenue Internet Garage (fifthaveinternetgarage.com) Family owned with quick shipping. Mike
  6. Agree, had a Champion in a 48 Plymouth and it did its job with no issues.
  7. Thank you Sniper. I ordered the lower shaft seal off Ebay. So, is the upper a hardware store item? I haven't looked at the seal on the parts transmission. Thanks.
  8. Have everything we need except the seals for the side shafts. Anyone have a vendor or part number? Thanks Mike
  9. Nice looking Special Deluxe
  10. Greg, I sure like your black coupe.
  11. Howdy for NE Kansas. Looks like you have a good one!
  12. I'd guess engine stands are like forklifts, the farther the center of the mass is from the attaching point the less can be lifted/supported safely.
  13. I recently pully one for from a 55 Plymouth in a salvage yard. I tapped with the wooden end of a small hammer, then wiggled it back and forth while pulling up at the same time. It came out after resisting some.
  14. Those ratcheting heads are bigger, wonder if there is enough room to get it on the bolt? Just getting the bolt started is tough for me.
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