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  • Location
    Marathon, ON Canada
  • Interests
    anything with a motor

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  • Occupation
    truck driver
  1. just my 2 cents, I had a harley the would drop one cylinder when hot. It seamed to be cured with a better ground wire to the frame! I chased this problem for a year! It also had electronic ignition.
  2. would something like this be a good change to go to 12v from 6v?? would appear more stock than newer alt. would be good to get the starter and flywheel as well for complete update!!
  3. that looks great!!! I was thinking of something like that but with room for brake booster?? Power brakes would be good! But your bracket looks good as well!! I like the fact that the pedals are in the correct positions!!
  4. thanks for the little bit of info. just wanted to make sure I get the right stuff for rebuilding! thanks again! Bruce
  5. yes it is 25" head and block! it does have 12volt accessories. Napa in Canada lists it as a 230 ci so I assume it is looked up block number on line and said it was a 230ci Has the same pistons in parts listing, and bearings just wondered about the flywheel and clutch, compatibility, then the crank and rods for more cubic inches
  6. Hi all I can purchase a 230 ci plymouth motor 25" block from a 1956 car. how inter changeable will the parts be from my 1950 plymouth 218 ci motor also a 25" block? was just thinking it may be better to start with a crank and rods that had not spun a bearing? Plus I gain a few cubes in the process! just wondering what stuff is the same and what may be trouble. I can get the motor for $100 and has all the accessories still on it.( alt, oil pump, oil filter, dist., starter and bell housing, clutch, intake and exhaust, carb...) Thanks in advance! Bruce
  7. Napa has right set listed for my 1950 plymouth 25" block if the last guys numbers are right! FS4922 was somewhere around $125 for the set, I think! I am having same problems getting numbers for bearings(crank and rod) not sure if Canadian is the same as US! hope this helps Bruce
  8. or the carb may be dirty? not allowing enough fuel once choke is off. I have seen plenty of mini bikes with this problem! You need to blow out all passages in carb with compressed air.. Just a thought Bruce
  9. Just wondering if anyone knew if the Canadian 25" block used the same Rod and Main bearings as other Flathead 6's. Say like the american motors for example? Mine is a 1950 P20- 218CI motor. just wondering what would fit and roughly what years would interchange? Thanks in advance!!! Bruce
  10. you can get new turbo's from ebay for a decent price!! at least you know it should not fail due to bad bearings or other parts!! just a thought!!
  11. Just figured out the kits will be no use as this is a Canadian motor I will be building!! Hoping rings are not to hard to get and don't need oversized pistons!!! found the head gasket set number tonite online at least!! WOW this could be a pain!!
  12. so I guess no one has used these kits??? Was just a question!! Thanks for the replies!!
  13. That is really Nice find!!! Looks great and solid!!! Good luck getting it going!!!
  14. It is a Canadian 25" block in my car! So the pistons maybe different???
  15. you should never have to add acid to the battery!! Once filled the acid level should stay the water evaporates while charging! Just top up with distilled water and good to go!!
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