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    I'm a very responsible person, if anything goes wrong. I'M RESPONSIBLE!!
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    I'm the ooey gooey stuff that holds everything together.


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    My B1D1

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  1. how do you do a "nationwide search" on craigslist?
  2. i agree if you pay over $500, by the time your done spending on it you could have bought one in really nice shape. BUT they are a lot of fun to work on.
  3. my 49 appear to have been black, no gloss left though:) but others will know more than me.
  4. I agree. looks great.
  5. Thanks for posting them, Great Inspiration!
  6. ebay proxy bidding. bid the highest amount you are willing to pay for an item, ebay automatically increases your bid up to that amount. that way if you get sniped in the end you won"t feel bad , because the item went for more than you were willing to pay anyway.
  7. Hey Don, It looks like an Oldsmobile Autocrat Speedster. I'd say 1912, if so it was fairly new!!
  8. on my B1D1 I have to work my switch manually /turn it to the right to move them to the middle/ turn it left to take them back out. I've always assumed this is how it was designed, but now I'm not sure? am I right or wrong?
  9. mine is flat too. my spring flattened mine, at some point it had bottomed out pretty hard, but not suprising as it has as many field miles as road miles.
  10. tried the search feature, all that did was confuse me. I'm assuming internal bypass, my housing is big cast iron and when you look up from the bottom there is a small thin port that goes to a hose nipple on the front, then a very short hose connects it to an aluminum piece on top of the water pump. i'll try to get a closer pic of my housing, can you tell what I have from this description?
  11. I'd agree, when I haul a load it does smooth out considerably, and about 95% of the rattles and squeaks disappear! I should just keep it loaded:)
  12. sounds like another good place for a big ol' speaker magnet!
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