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Robert Horne

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Everything posted by Robert Horne

  1. This is how my 37 looked when I first brought it home.
  2. The problem with "China crap", is , that is what some company here will have a China company make for the lowest price/quality, that can be made. China gets the bad rap, for what some company here makes the big profit. I have been to China several times, and seen a lot of difference in products in China, and the China product that are here. Those "made in the USA products". yeah right. Many are made in China also, like the axle seals from Napa, from SK company, are made in Zheingchang, that is west of Shanghai, stamped "USA".......
  3. I sold the other 19. The units for sell local here are 2 times the price of these units, and often 3 times the price....
  4. The one you have is the same number I see listed at the local auto parts, but does not look like the bar that I have off my 98 Cherokee XJ. The bar on Oldguy48's photos look like the one off my 98.
  5. A carport make a good hanger for lifting the body.
  6. This is my 20th plasma cutter, sold the other 19. This one has the gauge in the front. They come with a bracket on the rear, real compact, all worked great..
  7. http://www.okobojicc.com/the-occ-experience.php Some really nice cars to enjoy on this cold winters day. Bob..
  8. On my TK Ranger 5 speed, the 1st gear is 3.96,,,,2nd gear 2.07 With a 3.73 rearend, the 3.96 is about like a granny gear, that is great going up my driveway, or pulling out at a uphill start. I can start out on level road with the 2.07, but have to be easy. 0.84 5th is great with the 3.73 rear. I want to try my 3.55 Jeep rearend next....
  9. There are very many gear combinations on the T5s. 1st 3.50/2nd 2.14 #1352-101 3.76/ 2.18 # 1352-102 4.03/ 2.37 # 1352-010, 012, 2.95/ 1.94 3.35/ 1.99 3.97/ 2.34 5th gear could be .61, .63, .72, .73, .76, .78, .86...... sure are a lot of combinations....
  10. Roof Panel: The roof from pickup trucks, extended cab, look like may be good for a replacement panel. If you go to metal instead of fabric, you would not need to replace the wooden stringers, since the roofs are rounded for strength. Depends on what type of headliner you decide on using. My 37s, and 38s, use steels bows to hold the liner in place. I used a blanket from Walmart for my headliner. Some vehicles like my Jeep have a 1/4 thick styrafoam backing for the liner...
  11. Here is the Ford Bronco MC I am using...
  12. On my brake setup, I did not have to modify my brake pedal to clear the MC. I did modify the MC to clear the brake pedal thought. The MC is aluminum, a lot easier to cut. I will post some photos of the adapter (angle iron), if I can find them..
  13. I used a MC, mid 80s Dodge on my 38 for many years, worked good. The MC was a small bore, from a small Dodge. I used my original brake/clutch pedals also, just made and adapter from a piece of angle iron. I later changed the MC, big bore, 94 Ford Bronco, worked about the same as the small bore. I like the Ford MC better, has one cap, and easier to see the fluid level.
  14. I replaced my MC on my 48 Dodge with a dual MC, leaving the original setup in place. I just use a piece of angle iron to bolt the MC on, and a longer pushrod to go through the original MC.
  15. I believe the 87 or older S10 Chevy was the best overall fit. I think the 88 and newer, the speedometer was electronic. I installed a TK5 speed Ford Ranger on to my flathead, but that is a complete different setup than the T5.
  16. My 5 speed TKO Ranger transmission is aluminum, which may be a little less weight, than the original 3 speed. The stock bell housing is very heavy though. The 5 speed did not gain me more power, but it did make my 38 more of a pleasure to drive. I use a large Interstate battery, installed over the rear axle area, taking some of the weight off the front, for better balance. A smaller quality battery may be just as good, or like Don C states, a dry cell...
  17. I have been running J8 Champions for many years, no problem.
  18. On my Uncle's 36 Plymouth Coupe, he used an 1/8" aluminum sheet for an insert replacement. With a little heat the aluminum can be curved for a little more strength, but my Uncle left it flat.
  19. I believe one degree would make the center of your tire tread move about 3/16 on an inch if you are using a 27 inch tall tire. Just a estimate, my math is not good lately... My 38 has leaf springs, try doing the alignment on that.
  20. I ended up selling the 49, before I got to do the bumper, sorry...
  21. There is a chrome plating shop in Johnson City, Tenn. that does chrome plating, straighten, etc., life time warranty, as long as you own the vehicle. I called about a 49 bumper, they had one ready to go with an exchange, and a 2 week wait to do my other bumper.
  22. Sorry to hear of your family loss. losted my Mother recently. Good luck on Fernando..
  23. I forgot to mention, the 50 gallon barrel is plastic..
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